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Everything posted by texas08

  1. Reccs for a herbicide that will eradicate like 5 diff types of weeds from decomposed granite? Not planing on planting anything else in this area. There’s other grasses in the area but spread out. Anything in powder form? Don’t wanna do round up liquid, don’t like all the white spots it leaves behind. It does have the mesh below the granite. Weeds kick my ass every week with all the gdamn rain (love the rain).
  2. I bought them in person at one of these locations: https://cbdplususa.com/colorado-cures-1 They weren’t cheap. $45 for 11 servings. I’m sure there’s cheaper stuff, but I’m trying different products and price points until I find something that meets all my needs.
  3. Bottle reads 85mg of CBD per serving.
  4. Bought some raw hemp full spectrum pills (with the <.03 THC)...tested them out for anxiety during a recent family trip with in-laws and a bunch of kids. They worked. Body tension and things that would normally cause me to get anxiety/annoyed seemed to bother me less and/or I was getting over things rather quickly. Fuck big pharma and the war on drugs.
  5. Hahah, I was first against the rain... After seeing that hail, I hope it stays hailing for the next 5 hours. It actually brought me satisfaction. May this parade never occur...thank you for your consideration, Mother Earth.
  6. Yeah, fuck the rain. Let this shit show be a full blown display to the world.
  7. And yeah, Max is annoying as hell.
  8. Wish every race was like this. That was fun.
  9. hahaha, fuck you dotard... Rapinoe-1 dotard-0
  10. Dotard and retarted, straight to his face. Imagine what is being said behind closed doors.
  11. Damn, DVRd the race and accidentally opened some news sites. I guess not even worth watching other than the first few laps then it’s the same ol’? Nowadays, I actually enjoy the pre race on the grid reporting more than the actual race
  12. They guy is a world class troll, finely groomed by his Soviet KGB buddies in mind fucking.
  13. Damn, that Lamborghini cat pays for two spaces but installed that metal thing to keep others the fuck away from him. Boss.
  14. Bronco mule seen in the wild. JK, it’s a mod from a custom shop.
  15. Does anyone know if that little black mesh thingy is literally to store random stuff up there? Like the second pic? Didn’t know what the purpose of that mesh thing was after setting my tent. Kind of weird if so.
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