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Everything posted by texas08

  1. just curious and don't want to sidetrack much...what VPN do you use for $4/mo? PM me if you want. Thanks.
  2. Some people just don’t give a shit to read actual reporting.
  3. Lol, loved the ending. Mega Dotard nuking the world! Oh and this:
  4. One of the nastiest things this fuck head has done. Letting the Saudis get away with murder when all of the evidence was/is there.
  5. He's crumbling the country like never before on all fronts. MAGA!
  6. Think he gives a shit about depreciation when he just walked out w two clean ass cars in the same weekend? Lol. PICS! NOW!
  7. Straight up Walmart $5 section...FUCK THAT!!
  8. And why is it so hard to make shirts like these available!!!
  9. Why the fuck can’t we buy Tennis national championship gear!!!! The coop has one weak ass option. Someone tweet CDC?
  10. Can we build a new White House after Dotard? America will never be the same anyways. What a pathetic display of leadership. The guy is a 7th grade middle schooler.
  11. Yeah Dotard, you’re fucked. Funny how our resident Dotard cultists are nowhere to be seen. Fucking Russian trolls.
  12. When does Dotard invite them to the White House?
  13. Aggy will claim being team national champs, since they beat a player that is part of the actual team of national champs.
  14. At a loss for words really. What’s next, Dotard awards them Purple Hearts and then puts them in charge of Homeland Security. Sounds about right. Demoralize demoralize demoralize.
  15. Putin: Yo, Dotard...get these road blocks to full on election fraud out of my way. Dotard: Yes sir! *dotard diverts cyber security experts to go oversee kids in cages* *Spoiler alert* (Remember...they talked about teaming up with cyber security.)
  16. DO SOMETHING! lolz, what a dotard.
  17. Hilarious how all these dotard mouth breathers want handouts from the government. These people are truly dumb as fuck. And can these dem candidates step the fuck up and punch dotard with a nickname already, quit playing nice against the fat fuck, grow some fucking balls! Just pick a nickname and publicly use it while referring to fat fuck!
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