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Everything posted by texas08

  1. Let us know when you get this good: https://instagram.com/tabletennisdaily
  2. Received a pair for Christmas as well. Mine seem to be a little narrow. Im not planning on running with them so I left the laces pretty loose and they’re ok. Should be good for a casual chill shoe.
  3. Everything in dotards life is a goddamn farce. Just like the trumpkins I know. Farce-ists.
  4. Anyone w a stream for this last game? Can’t find game on directtvnow
  5. Yeah what is this bullshit!!! What channel!!!
  6. Yeah that touch pad option sucks, that rubberized directional button is not smooth enough for that.
  7. Damn I hope Duncanville beats that ass!!!
  8. The remote auto-programmed to my tv in a very creepy way. That was nice. On and off like nothing (both box and tv). I prefer the alpha sort, I’m not gonna learn channel numbers. I’d rather just look for the name of the channel. Also, I like that the guide scrolls “infinitely” so no more having to scroll all the way up when you hit the bottom of the guide. No gdamn last button is just stupid.
  9. texas08


    Keep us posted I’d like to hear the rest of this story! (After she eats them) Does she know she’s gonna have weed brownies?
  10. Now I can’t sleep.... That creepy big forehead monster is creepy as fuck. Gdamn, spoiler that fuck.
  11. Glad I watched. 1. Gal who got rattled 2. Gold dude 3. Buster
  12. That host is like...uhh, that’s not what you’re supposed to say. And just read the comments on that tweet to know what the rubes are thinking... “Mueller will be in Guantanamo soon...” LOLZ.
  13. Solo así se borra lo del fantasma de la b!!!! If river wins this....they can finally defend themselves against bocas trolling for being sent down to second division a few years back!!!
  14. If you’re gonna show someone, at least show fucking Messi that’s actually Argentinian!!!! BASTA CON LAS BOLUDESES!!!!
  16. Do yourself a favor and watch the game on fox deportes if you can The fox commentators are 1000 times better than cantor
  17. HAHAHAHA fucking circus. I’m starting to love Dotards stupidity, amazing comedy show!!
  18. This guy is in ruins...and he knows it.
  19. WE ARE FINALLY RESPECTED GLOBALLY!!!!!!!!!!! /dotard
  20. Yeah. Who knows what their end game is regarding this box. I read a few articles that this box will have android on it and probably allow you to download apps via some App Store. Im receiving the box free for this beta test, but who knows what they’ll do after that.
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