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Everything posted by texas08

  1. George Soros! Lol, this little weasel is just throwing red meat around. Fuck Rafael Cruz and his bitch ass little laugh.
  2. “Only one of us is really Texan, the other one is Canadian”. Should’ve been the reply on “Texas values”.
  3. Seems that dude in the middle didn’t get the gdamn memo!!
  5. PLEASE MAKE THE WOLF OF WALL STREET BULLSHIT GO AWAY!!! FUCKING TERRIBLE!!! We do enough slobbering of McConaughey...and can some one tell him for once to do a real hook em? Not that reverse bullshit hook em? Drives me crazy.
  6. RUSIA LIBRE! -Felito Cruz
  7. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN BITCHES!!! This couldn’t be any more true after all these assholes are in orange jump suits. Can you imagine how pale Dotard is gonna look after he stops his weekly orange spray tan? Glorious.
  8. We are desensitized to this bull shit. Incredible times. Fuck Trump.
  9. Hate the no “last channel” deal. My harmony remote is a million times better to maneuver DTVnow on Apple TV though.
  10. Dude, relax. It’s just a friendly. Might seem like a World Cup game, but it’s not. The World Cup was a few months ago.
  11. Lol. Typical bully. Bully the short kid...but as soon as someone with bigger balls shows up, they want nothing to do with it. As evident by Miazga walking away and “telling” on #4. Miazga seems like a huge pussy.
  12. When do the Bouchard nudes drop?
  13. Brisket is right, this bitch serves no time. Nothing to see here. Are 95% of cops retarted? 30 hrs of community college work? Here’s a gun and a badge. Pathetic standards.
  14. Hey, as long as he tosses a few paper towels...all good.
  15. Will we see a Rafael pic looking over Heidis shoulder to make sure she votes Cruz? You know, a la Trump over Melanias shoulder...
  16. It's actually 'huevos'...but many cool kids nowadays spell it "webos".
  17. Translation from Spanish slang: Beto has a FUCK LOAD more balls than Rafael! Let's go!
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