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Everything posted by texas08

  1. BETTER HOPE THERE ARE NO TAPES!!!!!!! Prepare to be put behind bars you piece of shit. Better yet, just flee....better than paying for your sorry ass in federal prison.
  2. Fucking pathetic ass bullshit. Bailing those fucking hillbillies out because of his fucking retarded ass moves. Fuck all this. It’s all over. Best negotiator ever!!
  3. When this is all over...where will Muellers statue be erected? Or will he get a Mount Rushmore?
  4. Fuck Trump. Only reason Melania sticks around is because she’s more than likely Butina 2.0.
  5. All that these traitor talking heads have left on their cards is to keep sucking Dotard and to keep pushing the “deep state” conspiracy. They know their time is up and all they can do is cling to a conspiracy! HANG THE TRAITORS! THEY CHOSE RUSSIA OVER MANY LEVELS OF THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY....let that sink in.
  6. Haha. Folks trying to discredit the FBI because of someone’s “arrogance”. Desperate as fuck. LOLZ.
  7. Is your friend 96 years old? Damn, press a button and you’re set. LOL.
  8. Last chance for Nadal at Wimbledon? Have you not seen how he’s played this year? lol This match was too atypical for Nadal...waiting around all day yesterday, play super late, resume early play after probably whack ass sleep...roof closed. All things Nadal reallllly hates. OCD as fuck when it comes to his ways. Just they way he is.
  9. 5th set... Fuck yeah!!!
  10. Donation sent!!!! To Beto!
  11. WE WILL LOSE EVERYTHING!!!!!! DO SOMETHING!!!!! Text book trumpism. The GOP really is done. Why anyone supports those jackasses is beyond comprehension. Remember, Cruz sucked Cambridge Analyticas cock to help him manipulate folks...and he’s also easily bought, he likes to sell your private data. This dude is done.
  12. Fuck. I need a nap before this second semi.
  13. I’m a bit annoyed at this match. Don’t know why.
  14. Isner looks done....Anderson looks a little more energized
  15. Yeah, can this rule be changed? Imagine being Nadal and Djokovic...antsy as fuck and entire pre game plan out the window. F that.
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