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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by flatdawgs

  1. flatdawgs

    I Know Haiku

    I have seen the ants They seem to have a good time Jesus. I've seen things.
  2. Huh. I'd have assumed you could just sell that stuff by the jar. In some places, anyway.
  3. Go figure, ESPN screwed up. They're actually AT Washington on 9/28. Brutal opening schedule.
  4. UCLA was the UPI poll national champion in 1954 (Ohio State was the AP's champion). So, at least they have 15 years on A&M....
  5. What is amazing to me, someone who grew up watching Terry Donahue and Don James battle it out with each other and with USC year after year, is that UCLA hasn't won the conference since 1998. That's stunning.
  6. Buck up SB. At least Tyrone Willingham is not your coach .
  7. Highest pre-season ranking? They finished #2/4 in 2008, IIRC. Go Utes!
  8. Colin Woodard's book (from whence the map and story came) is fascinating and well worth the read. I too think it's pretty spot on.
  9. Every time I stop by this thread it's easy to remember why A&M pisses everyone off so much, rival or no. I mean for me Oregon can go to hell, but they're not freaking nut jobs. Oh, and fuck 1984 BYU too.
  10. Don't miss that trip. Would love to have another home and home with them.
  11. Who knew white knights rode pigs?
  12. Might as well toss Oregon in there as well then, after that scintillating 7-6 bowl game where they and Heisman hopeful Herbert barely managed 200 yards of total offense against Michigan State.
  13. All of this is true. And very good. Utah will be very salty this year. Would not be surprised to see them win the conference.
  14. Was at the match. The Ruidiaz goal was sick.
  15. Well, he still owes the Seahawks $800k. What else do you expect him to do? That's just smart money management right there, paying nothing on the dollar for a sweet ride like that.
  16. Well, duh. They beat aggy in their bowl game, proving that they were the bestest. (Really. They did. Same aggy team UT beat 23-0.)
  17. Probably, and then they'll just re-bury them someplace where they can see The Wall.
  18. Well, cross her off then.
  19. That was a beautiful thing!
  20. Well... it's more coherent than the realignment thread.
  21. He moved to Seattle from SF to finish high school, attended the UW, met and married his wife, and started his martial arts career (and studio) here. I remember at a retrospective about his life at one of the Asian museums, there were letters describing how he loved the place and how the water reminded him of fishing with his dad in Hong Kong when he was small. His wife said it was the place they felt most at home. Not sure about Brandon, who was born after they left, but his mother and fiancée wanted him buried in their family plot and he was flown here from where he died in NC.
  22. CSB - Bruce Lee (along with Brandon) is buried about 50 yards from our family plot in Seattle's Lake View Cemetery. The cemetery still has little maps in their office showing you where his grave is; when I was making arrangements for my Mom's burial a couple of years ago, five or six different people stopped in to find out where he was buried. My guess is he still kicked all of their asses.
  23. Well furk. Congrats, UCLA. Dawgs left too many chances out there.
  24. That was a hell of a catch... things like that can be momentum-changers.
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