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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Enchubben

  1. 3 minutes ago, C-Man said:


    Cover? If Clemson doesn’t win by quite a bit more than 12 points, I’m going to be extremely disappointed.


    Prepare to be disappointed. Clemson doesn’t need to make a statement here, they just need to win by a touchdown plus, and leave healthy.

    With the impending rain I could see it being a slow bleed out maintaning control but allowing a late score when the game isn’t in doubt to make it appear closer than it was. This is Aggy Super Bowl and just a business trip for Clemson.

  2. 11 minutes ago, Rockethorn1978 said:

    Can’t wait till I get to watch a video of Texas having the best d-lineman in the country and not fucking U of H! JFC! I have the sads 

    Don’t think those pieces are even on campus, so you might want to take a seat. Gonna be a while,

  3. 8 hours ago, perfectchaos007 said:

    If this OLine is indeed improved from last year, then I would sacrifice mobility for accuracy all day. Shane should starts if the OLine is better

    Just about every fan, media guy, and anyone who has watched Texas football the last two years would agree. Unfortunately for all of those people,  they get zero votes, time beck gets 1, and Tom Herman gets 2 votes. 

  4. 9 minutes ago, TXs said:

    A very large portion knew Charlie wasn't the guy after game 1 of year 2 and wanted him out but it wasn't near this unanimous.

    The downside to being a smug prick. Most will put up with a smug prick if we’re winning, but not when they lose to Maryland in season opener two years in a row.

    If he would just show the tiniest bit of accountability or any sort of indication that he or his staff was going to make a change it would be different. His ego won’t allow it though.

    • Like 7
  5. 5 minutes ago, The Ace of Aces said:


    Herman & Co have no idea how to run an offense. Maybe they can’t even get a scripted play in on time for the first snap. But it seemed a little weird at the game, they weren’t scrambling or anything to hurry it up. 

    I think that’s actually a rule change for this year to have the play clock start after kickoff right? Maybe they just didn’t realize or remember that?

  6. 5 minutes ago, Zavala said:

    We've started running speed option, which I love. Read option looks predetermined sometimes but thats fine. Need to start running that HB counter out of the gun that Mack used to love.

    Finally, we have 3 badass running backs, we have 3 badass wide receivers. Should be running spread triple option with two backs in the backfield. You can also put one of them in motion and spread the field even more.


    I was hoping Hand would bring some of this here.

    He probably wanted to but Hand only gets one vote and Herman gets two. Herman chose to continue his dogshit offense, personnel groupings and play calling.

  7. 7 hours ago, FizzleFish said:

    This! I’ve said several times today that I just didn’t see any flash outside of a couple of plays. I know there are dudes on this team with serious athleticism, but whatever we’ve been doing doesn’t allow it flourish. Shit we can’t even get it to sprout.

    That’s because our genius coaches split out Kyle fucking Porter and Andrew Beck out wide instead of wide receivers. 

    Add on a nice slow tempo with no urgency and inaccurate passing and voila.  

    It was just so painfully obvious that once we started to run Watson and Ingram and play with tempo that things started to open up. So what do we do? We completely abandon both. Fuck Tom Herman’s offense.

    • Like 1
  8. 44 minutes ago, Red Five said:

    This was striking, from the opening kickoff, on both sides of the ball. Same exact thing in last year's opener. Something is really, really wrong with how we handle our fall camp. 

    You mean doing magic shows in the meeting room and family picnics doesn’t prepare our team to win on gameday? What about playing wiffleball and dodgeball two days before a season opener? Does that not help?

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