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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Enchubben

  1. 22 minutes ago, RomaVicta said:

    If Herman gets this program rolling again, I would be tempted to stay if I were him. The money is great as is every other aspect of life. 

    Of course, I don't have the kind of fire it takes to pay your dues and climb the coaching ladder. Even if I did, I'd still want to watch Herman and consider if it's worth it to take on all the stuff a head coach has to take on outside of building a football team. Orlando comes across as smart and articulate but I don't see him at ease as a head coach.

    But I don't know shit about fuck. It would be hard to turn down a top 20 job, but is that where his best offers will come from? Would he go back to Houston? He did want the job when Herman left, would he now?

    I guess my post has deteriorated into a muse. I'm a Longhorn and I'd be happy to be a millionaire in Austin and parking at Belmont every day.

    If Herman were to turn Texas back into Playoff contention over the next 3 years and TO is the coach we think he is, he could be making up to $2M annually. And he would be worth it.

  2. 25 minutes ago, tx ind said:

    Week 3 they have TCU, Week 4 is Tulane and then Week 5 is Pedo State.  If a suspension it will be 2 or 4 games.


    Two weeks, with time served. Voila, they fixed the glitch.

    Still won't stop the talking heads and some very creative posters and signs from opposing fanbases. 

  3. Wheeler is only out the first half right? Wouldn’t it be Johnson, Wheeler, Roach?

    If so, you only need Mcculloch to play a half before we have all our starters on the field. Then maybe by USC week you have the depth again.

    as far as injuries go it sucks that it’s to a position group with little depth, but it’s not starters or anything or injuries on the OL.

  4. 3 hours ago, LongestHorn said:

    I've lived in Austin long enough to remember summers that it did not break 100 degrees.  I'm not a climate scientist, but just looking at the hottest days each year for the past 100 years suggests it is getting hotter.  


    2011.  Never Forget.  

    We should totally use only the last 100 of the total 4.5 billion years to determine what the average temperature should be and define heat waves and global warming cycles. 

    Also - 112 degrees must really suck. Electricity usage that day must have been ridiculous.

  5. 25 minutes ago, TrashMaster G said:

    Do you want to see Kyle Field looking good?  Go to Google Maps Satellite view.  😄

    That's awesome; good find. I guess Google doesn't care to update farmville with newer satellite imagery.

    Their Hall of Champions looks exquisite btw. About as full during construction as it is once complete.

  6. 48 minutes ago, Ojo Rojo said:

    Or maybe he lied because he knew that admitting that he was trying to help someone he cared about and believed in who was accused of domestic violence would be interpreted by the mob as condoning spousal abuse.  Just as you are saying I am bearing out one side you are bearing out the other.

    So he did knowingly employ someone who beat his wife then, correct? Or are we still to believe she but her own hand with a dip can, strangled her own neck, and bruised her own arms. Most certainly she convinced a judge to grant her a protective order based on 100% fabricated information and lies (or not giving the right answer as you like to call it).

  7. 28 minutes ago, ckhorn said:

    I think personally. Its going to open a lot more job opportunities and getting a couple of scum bags on the streets.

    Think of all the state income tax paid at termination rather than deferred over the length of his contract. Plus it will all be sourced to OH? Great for the community!

  8. 8 hours ago, capnamerca said:

    It's still a fun time, mostly for nostalgia's sake. And it's one of the few places you can still find a $5 table, so worth it on that front. 

    Coushatta on weekdays before lunch has $5 table(s).  Took a couple hundred from them recently and plan on taking from The Golden Nugget this weekend. 

    Saw some interesting betting strategies at Coushatta. One dude was laying all the numbers on the comeout roll. If a point was made, then obviously that number would lose. He then moved all other lay bets to place bets once there was a point.

    Saw another guy playing dark side and placing the six and eight. If 6/8 won he would move take down that entire bet and move it to the don’t odds.

  9. 5 hours ago, Vertigo said:

    Charlie Weis at Notre Dame. That ended about how this one will, with aggy paying Jimbo 5-6 years worth of dead money, or firing him for cause after the NCAA investigation.

    Aggy will find a way to both pay him 5-6 years of dead salary and have the ensuing NCAA investigation.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, deft said:



    So they’re definitely going to be paying well over $10M per year for coaching.




    $10M? It’s probably closer to $12/13M.

    $7.5M for Jimbo, $1.8M for Elmo, $600K for Schmidt. Then you have to consider the OC is making probably at least $750K.  That’s 10.5 before you consider the other half dozen coaches all probably making $250K - $500K each.


  11. 2 hours ago, phdhorn said:

    Last photo of Jordan @ the workout:

    Read today that he received a liver transplant while in the hospital?  Huh?

    This story is probably a little deeper than it seems.  As an alum, I'm going to wait until the report comes out from the school.    I've heard reports that he had some medical issues he never disclosed.  I have no idea.  The guy was from the Baltimore area, and I can tell you that 80 degrees is nothing, zilch, in and of itself for guys who live up there.

    So, if these guys (coaches) just hazed him for some motivation or something, then yeah, fire the whole fucking lot of 'em.
    If there's something else, like they didn't do anything out of the ordinary, and he just happened to be overcome by some unique medical factor, it's a different story.

    The "toxic culture" thing is a little overblown to me, but people in the area eat that stuff up... "investigative journalism" and all that.  However, I would never want to play for fucktards that treat me like cattle.  If they did and they tried to somehow devalue it, then fire them yesterday.

    McNair was one of the best recruits in the history of the school.  Apparently he was ranked something like the 23rd best lineman in the country by some reputable ranking service. 

    will say this though... Maryland is trying to be a football school (again, sort of), but they're first a basketball school... their revenues, gates, TV money, etc. come from basketball.  So I believe the university investigation will not be anything approaching a coverup.  This ain't Ohio State.  They'll  not protect Durkin if the culture really is so bad people can get hurt/die.  I know that much.  Now if this were Mark Turgeon....

    Anyway, we'll see when the report comes out, I guess.  They'll put something preliminary out within the next 2 weeks, and that'll do it one way or the other.

    Heat stroke above 106 can cause organ failure, including the liver. Not saying he didn’t have other conditions that led to his death but the heat stroke is the overwhelming favorite for cause of death. How much of the “toxic culture” is at fault for that is what I’m sure is being determined. 

    I don’t really have an issue with much of what was reported other than the delay in treatment for McNair and the eating until vomiting. Nothing else seems out of place at a D1 football program. Calling people bad names to motivate them is distasteful but certainly not an offense that should warrant discipline. 

  12. 8 hours ago, Hagbard Celine said:

    what is the target end date for "this is going to take 2 weeks".  or, rather, what was the first day that was said?

    Whenever they finish concocting up the “evidence” that urban did report all of this to the AD and it’s the AD’s fault for not sending it on.

  13. Well it looks like Texas only played 2 teams that ended up being top 50, TCU and Iowa State.   (USC ended up 55, Oklahoma St 70, the rest are typically between 70 and 100) Just using this as a statistic it's actually pretty close, but the numbers indicate they may be on to something. Eye test tells me differently, but that's hardly measurable.  I would consider it incomplete  because I feel that Sam was the best of the 4 qb's but he played against weaker defenses, including none that ended up in the top 50. (In his USC debut he went 52% with 2/2 and QBR of 26.) I have no problem with them indicating Starkel is better than Shane. The numbers seem to confirm it.

    At TCU - Shane had a 48% completion percentage, 0 interceptions , 1 touchdown and 254 yards passing. QBR of 25.  LSU's S&P ranking (18) was close to TCU (16) so it might be a good comparison for those two games.  In that game, StarkelMotion had a 53% completion percentage, 3 interceptions, 2 touchdowns and 227 yards for QBR of 57.3

    At Iowa St - Shane had a 73% completion percentage, 1 interception, 1 touchdown and 171 yards passing. QBR of 50.  South Carolina's S&P ranking (36) was close to Iowa State (32) so it would be a good comparison as well. In that game Mond had a completion percentage of 70%, 0 interceptions and 0 touchdowns. QBR of 69.8. Might be worth considering that aggy played South Carolina at home night, while Texas traveled to TCU.

  14. 7 hours ago, texasstrong12 said:

    Starkel vs top 50 S&P+ defenses last year: 

    51.3% completion percentage,  4 interceptions, 5 touchdowns, 181.3 yards passing a game. 

    Mond vs top 50 S&P+ defenses last year: 

    54.8% completion percentage, 3 interceptions, 2 touchdowns, and 117 yards passing a game. 

    Both split reps vs Miss State and Auburn. 

    Starkel and Mond were absolutely shit against the good defenses they played last year. They looked better against these powerhouse defenses. Ole Miss (#117 adjusted defense), New Mexico (#91 adjusted defense), WF (#65 adjusted defense), Arkansas (#112 adjusted defense), UCLA (#120 adjusted defense), and so on. Starkel in particular was decent to good against shit teams and terrible against defenses with a pulse. 





    What were Sam and Shane?

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  15. 1 hour ago, Neonmoon said:

    I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but our QB combo isn’t exactly winning Heismans 

    If you think Buchele  /Ehlinger is somehow easily better than Starkel/ Mond , you need to put the kool aid down. Starkel throws a pick 6 a couple times a game but other than that, he can put points on the board. We will see if that was because of the air raid offense or his QB skills more this year with Jimbo’s offense. Mond can’t exactly complete a pass during certain 4 down stretches but sometimes connects. You forget Buchele lost his ability to throw the deep ball, and hasn’t thrown over the middle of the field since Pluto was a planet. Not to mention Ehlinger literally threw 2 game losing picks. Again, I have a minor in mocking Aggy and their delusion but we are sitting in a glass house right now. 


    I watched Kirk carry their passing game on his back last year. Those qb’s sucked out loud outside of him. They will show it this year with a bunch of jag receivers and a worse OL.

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