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Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Enchubben

  1. 27 minutes ago, Scholz said:

    It's their best option at this point.  Bilbo's undefeated at aggy right now.

    Don't disagree. They have to because in year 3 they will be relying on this class to get them over the hump.  Very similar to what we are experiencing with Herman, in that we are hoping for the 2018 class to have a significant impact year after next.  If I were to choose however, I'd prefer our 2018 class over their 2019 class to be the initial building blocks for a program.

    Since we got started one year earlier on the rebuild we may have the upper hand if we show improvement this year which will directly impact their followup recruiting classes.

    • Like 1
  2. 34 minutes ago, Pato del Muerto said:

    And then get a jump on 2020s, hitting them harder than other schools in their junior year. 

    I mean getting started on classes early is a good strategy when you trust your evaluations and have good seasons to back them up.  The problem will be maintaining and not having the better kids in those classes getting picked off by other programs when they get their shit pushed in during the season.

  3. 54 minutes ago, texifornia said:

    Deshon Elliot just dumped all over Herman on Twitter (it's on the football board). Come on, dude, keep your dirty laundry off social media...

    Yup. Dick for airing it on social media. Probably not near as severe as Deshon makes it out to be as well. Likely something around, he should have stayed one more year etc, not necessarily a dig but maybe Elliott is butt hurt about his draft result or something.

  4. Random, but I am potentially going to have to go to small claims court to receive relief from an incident that occurred at a state funded agency where the agency will end up being the defendant. For purposes of proof/evidence, I will actually need video tape from the agency's surveillance cameras. 

    Any chance in hell I will be able to get that?  I included in my initial claims/demand/settlement offer letter that I request that they hold all available evidence, video etc, but I'm not sure how to go about getting that for my own purposes. I am planning on defending myself, and this is my first experience doing something like this, so any non-binding legal advice is welcomed.

  5. 1 hour ago, Parliament said:


    Before the tweet, border officials prevented 315 people a month from illegally crossing the border. Post-tweet in 2017, about 18,149 illegally crossed the border, then claimed asylum as refugees — even after entering illegally — and were allowed to stay, get welfare, education, housing, healthcare and work permits. By May 2018, the number of refugee cases pending has jumped to 54,906 from 18,348 in December 2016. That’s the population of Grande Prairie, Alberta or Granby, Quebec.

    The US should just send busses down to all illegal border crossing areas with some neon signs welcoming them in, then have those busses drive straight to the Canadian border to have them dropped off.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. I think we are going to clean up next year in recruiting. We seem to be in a great place with many of the elite in state recruits and are beginning have a national presence.

    The new car smell will be replaced with raw sewage and desperation in college station, Herman will hopefully have upward trajectory to sell, and won’t be hampered by a top 3 class the year prior with respect to depth/playing time.

  7. Just got GE last week at IAH. Kind of a pain in and out of the airport but time spent completing the application, interview etc it was less than an hour. Spent more time parking and walking back to car.

    i don’t really fly international but for domestic work trips I’m thinking the precheck will be worth it.  Diners club reimbursed the $100 as well.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Skyline said:

    The issues with what you're proposing is that only the rich could afford college. Grants help a lot of students from lower SES as well as minorities get a chance at college. Not all of them graduate, but making higher education more attainable is necessary if you want people to have some mobility. If you limited college to only those who could afford to pay for it before beginning, you're narrowing the pool by an immense factor.

    As for your second point, I'd argue that you're asking 17-18 year olds to make a prediction on the job market 4-8 years in advance for whatever degree they end up getting. Graduates have a right to be upset if they work towards a degree only to have it not be used like they imagined, or have the job market become extremely tight. Frankly, getting a good paying job as a young graduate is becoming increasingly difficult. 

    I'd agree with a focus on trade schools, but I think more students should be pushed towards community colleges as they aren't as expensive to attend so they can lessen the burden for the future. 

    Probably should start a whole new thread on education costs etc since this has little to do with an election., but I disagree with the second part there. If they chose a degree plan that doesn't result in the career they imagined upon graduation, or have trouble getting a job with that degree at all, they must have chosen their degree poorly, or performed poorly while at university. That is on the student, and yes maybe their parents, guidance counselors etc. Yes, sometimes a cyclical downturn in the economy or a particular industry may be at fault at the particular time of graduation, but that impact isn't solely felt by recent graduates - that's all workers.  

    In regards to the high paying - I find that a lot of recent graduates these days, at least from the major Texas public universities my firm recruits at, expect to make salary commensurate with mid level management right out of school and to live a lifestyle closer to their parents at the end of their careers rather than their peers. These lifestyle expectations and choices often make student loan repayment a distant priority and thus the burden of never ending student loan repayment and outrage about the cost of university.  

    The students that mike educated decisions on their degree plan and career path, and make sound financial decisions both during college and thereafter shouldn't be punished with the burden of those that make unwise decisions. 

  9. 31 minutes ago, relapse98 said:

    You're talking about 17 and 18 year olds.. making a rational decision when deciding what school, what degree and what future career.

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Some of them might be capable of that, but that's also a big ask for a senior in college. Decide what future career you want, when you haven't really explored what it takes to get there. There's a lot of blame to hand out in this one, it aint just the student but the parents, colleges, guidance office, student loan providers, etc.

    Can't say I disagree with anything you posted here - plenty of blame to go around; not just the students. I also don't think that means we need to crowdfund bad choices or experimentation in college degree programs with tax dollars because a bunch of recent graduates are upset with student loans and think post secondary education should be free or a burden on the collective. 

  10. 9 hours ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Yeah, this.  


    They've been told capitalism is great but they have huge student loan bills and mediocre job prospects.  You can argue the details all you want but that's how they see it.  Boomer Steve had a high school diploma but still had a solid life so of course he thinks capitalism is great.  Never mind that Steve benefited from socialistic things like public education, high marginal tax rates, and massive government infrastructure programs.

    The high dollar student loans complaint never really resonated with me. If you make a rational decision as to where to go to school and for what kind of degree in order to pursue a certain profession then the amount of student loans and job prospects is not a reflection of capitalism, but a result  of the career you choose.

    If people are mad that college is expensive then I agree. It should only be for those who a) can afford it before they attend or b) students that are pursuing a degree that will result in a job after getting a degree that can pay off those student loans. Graduates should not be mad that they chose a degree with no job prospects, rack up mammoth student loans, and then extra expect someone else to pick up the tab.

    Personally I would rather us focus on improving and making trade schools more prevalent for those that can’t or shouldn’t attend University.

    • Like 1
  11. Gotta wonder what the exact issues are with DL recruiting. Even if Giles is a dogshit recruiter, he appears to be a great development coach which you think would resonate with recruits.

    Any chance the struggle has more to do with our defensive alignment and not playing a traditional 4 man dl?

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