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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Enchubben

  1. Alabama Ohio State Clemson and Georgia. The same as it ever was, bleh.
  2. this is where sucking for years on end comes back to bite Texas. The kid never had a genuine interest in Texas at all. And while I used to cheer for someone like him to go to A&M instead, it doesn’t really matter to me anymore since both OU and Aggy are likely to be in our annual schedule soon. Don’t get me wrong, I would have LOVED for this kid to be interested in the good guys, it doesn’t seem like he is the bestest of fits for our shit defense. Looks like a future DT to me. Here’s to hoping he’s another Katy area bust.
  3. Air fryer wings are the way to go. Limited prep, effort and cleanup, and it takes about 20 minutes. I dab em up with some cooking spray before putting them in the air fryer. Not necessary, but I’ll preheat it to 400 or so before I toss them in for extra crispy. I do premade sauces because I’m lazy, and HEB has some good ones. When I’m hosting people I’ll buy bottled sauce from pluckers to toss them in after.
  4. I’m doing steak kabobs, chicken wings, veggie tray, bagel bites.
  5. yea where do you find the baby corns at HEB? (when it's open)
  6. I don’t think their OL will be that bad. Fatheree looked good at times last year, and I’m sure Foster will be better with a year experience, even if he took time off or whatever. Happy to be wrong there though. I think King being named starter is a nod to who his dad is, more experience with the playbook, and likely more production with qb runs. In that respect I understand the decision, but it’s going to look foolish when he gets injured or gets turnover happy mid way through the season.
  7. Enchubben


    Swayze you must be close to me based on your posting history. Our local family joint is Rudy’s cantina on Grant. Their food is pretty good, but nothing really standout other than their chicken tortilla soup. (I get it, it’s not sexy like fajitas, but their spicy version is badass and does well even with takeout) highly suggest you give that a shot at some point.
  8. 3/3 on the weekend with Nevada Vandy and Northwestern. Sure to give it all back next week.
  9. Beef stir fry; nothing special, but delicious.
  10. Yea that’s got to be worst case scenario if you’re an aggy fan. Pretty good chance he doesn’t make it through 4-5 games, then you’ve got an ill prepared transfer and true fish taking over.
  11. Scott Frost pulling his pants down again. Hate to see it.
  12. I can’t even watch game day with corso anymore. I get the nostalgia, but he can barely get a thought out. Put him to pasture.
  13. When does the cool part start? just fucking with you
  14. Yes, exactly. it’s really important that it be going for premier home games against ULM and UTSA.
  15. Surprised they haven’t gotten some sort of light show in place yet inside the stadium like a handful of others. Thought I saw a tweet from CDC saying they’re working on it or some such bullshit. Guess it’s useless until we get home games at night.
  16. Ready to feel better? None of the 9.95ers know shit about the actual progress of the roster from fall camp.
  17. He’ll be ranked high because he has a laser 4.4 but doesn’t have the skill set of your typical highly ranked RB with balance, ability to break tackles etc. He’s also going to be heavily swayed by Fatheree and the Aggie staff that has been spending lots of time at atascocita trying to build a pipeline.
  18. Update a month later. Still off sodas and still watching what I eat, but I do eat at least 2 full meals a day and 2 snacks. Hovering around 1800 calories a day, but very little carbs, and probably 70 grams of fat/140 grams protein a day. Weight has been around 195-198 and steady for 10 days now. Noticeably stronger in the gym but other than arms, not really showing with muscle yet. The fasting and very low calorie diet was a great kickstarter into a steady diet and exercise plan, 10/10 would recommend. Been using the MyFitnessPal app for nutrition tracking and it’s been super helpful.
  19. Well you certainly missed out on this free money back in March. I’ll give my winnings to the HwH collective. Also saw a post back then from you that emphatically stated banks would be a day 1 starter (not that big a reach IMO), and that we would have 3 true freshman starters by October. Everything checks out so far.
  20. look here folks - if you didn't want to join me in winning free money on the under for July 4th hot dog eating contest, or win on the soon to be free money England vs South Africa cricket test match, I get it. But not wanting to go all in on week zero bets in CFB? Ya'll might as well buy into more electronic trading cards or that fixed price canadian pizza membership.
  21. Texas 48 Bad Guys 16 Bijan with 178 total yards, 136 rushing and 42 receiving.
  22. CTJ - any feedback/criticisms you can share from the booster attended practice?
  23. Good takes. I’m heavy on Northwestern and Nevada to cover and bought half a point on Hawaii. Will likely add a teaser as well.
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