So my wife and I are vaccinated as are the immediate family I see frequently, but I do have neighbors and friends and extended family that are not.
The excuses I hear from the ones not wanting the shot are:
• ”I already tested positive in the spring so I have antibodies and don’t want to take the shot”
• “I’m trying to get pregnant and don’t trust the vaccine to not effect my pregnancy”
• “The government is trying to control my life/conspiracy, slippery slope etc”
• “I have a weakened immune system so I can’t get it”
The ones that have ended up getting vaccinated with these initial opinions, did it because the have friends or relatives that have gotten sick and/or died from it and we’re scared straight.
I think we could do a much better job oh highlighting personal stories from those that didn’t get vaccinated and ended up getting very sick (or relatives of those that died from it) to do some public outreach in trying to gather support for additional vaccinations from people that think alike.
Because this (like everything else) has become very political, my team vs your team, I think it would help for more conservative type folks to be spreading the word to conservatives, latinos to other latinos etc.