My wife and I that are right of center politically got the vaccine very early on, definitely earlier than we should have, but right place right time etc.
Parents in late 60’s that lean left got it as soon as they could as well.
Brother and one sister and their spouses opted not to get it who both lean way right. Brother and most of his family got covid early on and won’t get the vaccine, I guess because they think the natural immunity covers them. Sister and BIL won’t get it because he doesn’t trust it, and sister is trying to get pregnant and she isn”t sure about effects on fertility. (She’s had lots of pregnancy troubles)
Other sister is wayyy left of center politically, I’m talking dyed short hair, granola Subaru left, and she won’t come to family gatherings until everyone has been vaccinated. Optimal outcome as no one likes that sister anyways.
No real point to this other than to say it’s interesting how varied opinions on covid and the vaccine can be even within one family.