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  1. Did she recently change her Twitter bio recently to just say “Texas”? Also, did she commit to aggy in HS then change her mind and go to Minn instead?
  2. Yeah, I can see letting the portal stuff shake out until spring.
  3. Is it time for the Texas 2023 thread?
  4. Don’t worry, I pissed off so many of them sitting around me because I was so loud and stood up after every UT point. Even had one woman try to stare me down during a timeout. I was having none of it. That said, most offered their congrats as they were leaving. We don’t like each other, but many still have the respect at least.
  5. Honorable Mention to Molly. I also feel like we will have a conference Freshman of the Year. I don’t know who… just gotta feeling. (Can Singletary be Freshman of the Year after redshirt?)
  6. When the GBR cheers started, some Texas fans started chanting “Where’s Big Red?” [emoji88][emoji88][emoji88]
  7. Haley Eckerman, Molly McCage, Salima Rockwell. I’m sure I missed a few others. Thought I saw Amy Neal. Tonya Johnson was also there.
  8. Posted this on VolleyTalk: Just got back to the room after the FANTASTIC celebration in the hotel bar. I wish all of the Texas fans could have been there. Members of the 2012 team were there, family, past coaching staff, supporters, friends of the team… can’t tell you how many times I cried meeting the players as they came over after the team meeting to celebrate. And I love that Akana got the ace on Championship Point.
  9. Just ran into her in the elevator. She looks tough, but Asjia (or Bella or Kayla) can take her on!
  10. I had forgotten she didn’t win NPOY. She deserved it.
  11. He coached the Dutch national team from 2017–2019. Great years in 2017 and 2018, major flameout on 2019.
  12. LOL
  13. The loudest cheer from the crowd for Nebraska’s coach-in-waiting… I mean, Louisville’s coach, Dani Busboom Kelly
  14. Let’s fucking GOOOOOO The Reds are quiet here
  15. I think they should serve alcohol at the Greg My first drunk volleyball game
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