Listening to Klatt’s podcast, this had me rolling, laughing. This is a cut and paste from the AI-generated transcript, so not as clear as the audio…
“Text with Lane. And yet he has been out there playing these hypothetical games for days. Ever since the committee gave us the 12-team playoff, he has been chirping on Twitter.
And he's been talking about, you know, what a mistake the committee made and this or that. And it was finally my breaking point. And it was my breaking point because of all of the things I just talked about.
It's like, listen, this is the moment to celebrate the sport. This happens in every sport, including the NFL, including the 14-team playoff. It's hard to win on the road.
And yet here we go after some of these results. He's like, way to keep us on the edge of our seats committee, riveting. And I just I couldn't, I was broken.
And so I fired back. If your team played half as well as you tweet, you would likely be in. And obviously that went went wild.
And you know what is what it is. Not going to take it back. Not sorry.
I tweeted it. Love Lane, love Lane. And by the way, part of that is complimentary.
He tweets incredible. He's great for college football. I love that Lane Kiffin is at Ole Miss.
I hope he stays in college football for a long time. He's a great follow. Love Lane, again, I'll say it time and time again.
But this idea that he was going to continue to play these hypothetical games, I just, I get fresh. The easiest position to argue position of a hypothetical because there's no proving you wrong. Well, we would have played better than that if we've got a chance to do so.
Oh, okay. Like what, where do you go with that? Other than like, well, you didn't, when you played Kentucky at home or Florida on the road, when your quarterback was crying in the fourth quarter, like those things happen.
So I don't know what to do with that. You can't argue with someone that always wants to play hypotheticals. And I tell you, there was a lot of trophies being thrown out in hypothetical scenarios.
You know, and then from those same people, it was like awfully quiet when Tennessee was getting absolutely drilled by Ohio State on Saturday night. Isn't that interesting? I think it's interesting.
Listen, Lane, if you wanted to be in the playoff, you had your chance. In fact, you were in, my man, like you were in the playoff. And I love you.
I love it. I really do. I love you.
But you blew it. Like you lost a game that you shouldn't have lost. And so you weren't in the College Football Playoff.”