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Everything posted by statsman

  1. From a SoonerScoop post from a regular fan, explaining why Zac Alley wants to part ways with OU. Probably not true, but worth posting anyways, for its literary qualities…
  2. If there is one thing we know about OU fans, it’s that they will subvert program goals to human needs.
  3. Shit. bad_teammate has more maturity than me.
  4. Honestly- OU lost to LSU (who USC beat) and probably would have lost to the Ags (although last night taught me to not underestimate the Ags’ ability to Aggies things up)
  5. I think that Texas fans tend to assume Aggies view the rivalry as we do- a rivalry, friendly for most, something to joke about gently, and not to take too seriously. Therefore, that’s how we talk to them in the wild. Aggie fans tend to assume Longhorns view the rivalry as they do- a deadly serious contest between good (Aggies) and evil (Texas) and therefore talk to Texas fans that way.
  6. That a bullshit story was really made up by the Ags to explain something embarrassing? I think you know the answer to that.
  7. I thought he made his “cesspool” comment after Strong had been at Texas a while (googling shows it as 2016, a college gameday in October when the Ags were hosting Tennessee. Strong’s record, at that point, was 13-16). I imagine he had been around a lot of Ags, feeding him their worldview on things. So, yes, it came from ignorance. Too bad that he didn’t stop to apply any critical reasoning- “Wait, is this one large fanbase associated with UT, based in Austin, uniquely screwed up in comparison to not only this group here in College Station, but also the nation? Maybe I should look into it before spouting off before this eager crowd, and the nation at large? Naw, let’s give these people what they want to hear!” It was a bad move, and he doesn’t make a habit of them, but he did make it and never took it back. It’s fairer to let that color our judgment of him than how he treated Texas.
  8. The 15 year old daughter and I wanted to have the sign read “Suck it, Aggies and Sooners” (and I wanted to duct tape a water bottle to a hand), but that was vetoed. On topic- why don’t some of you entrepreneurs get some branded gear designed by one of the greatest Longhorn artists ever, Gilbert Shelton?
  9. The thing about Herbstreit is- his voice is no longer the pre-eminent one in college football. Joel Klatt knows the teams and games better than Herbstreit. Greg McElroy has passed him, too. Herbstreit is just the guy that has been around the longest. Congrats- he’s this era’s Chris Schenkel.
  10. Listening to Klatt’s podcast, this had me rolling, laughing. This is a cut and paste from the AI-generated transcript, so not as clear as the audio… “Text with Lane. And yet he has been out there playing these hypothetical games for days. Ever since the committee gave us the 12-team playoff, he has been chirping on Twitter. And he's been talking about, you know, what a mistake the committee made and this or that. And it was finally my breaking point. And it was my breaking point because of all of the things I just talked about. It's like, listen, this is the moment to celebrate the sport. This happens in every sport, including the NFL, including the 14-team playoff. It's hard to win on the road. And yet here we go after some of these results. He's like, way to keep us on the edge of our seats committee, riveting. And I just I couldn't, I was broken. And so I fired back. If your team played half as well as you tweet, you would likely be in. And obviously that went went wild. And you know what is what it is. Not going to take it back. Not sorry. I tweeted it. Love Lane, love Lane. And by the way, part of that is complimentary. He tweets incredible. He's great for college football. I love that Lane Kiffin is at Ole Miss. I hope he stays in college football for a long time. He's a great follow. Love Lane, again, I'll say it time and time again. But this idea that he was going to continue to play these hypothetical games, I just, I get fresh. The easiest position to argue position of a hypothetical because there's no proving you wrong. Well, we would have played better than that if we've got a chance to do so. Oh, okay. Like what, where do you go with that? Other than like, well, you didn't, when you played Kentucky at home or Florida on the road, when your quarterback was crying in the fourth quarter, like those things happen. So I don't know what to do with that. You can't argue with someone that always wants to play hypotheticals. And I tell you, there was a lot of trophies being thrown out in hypothetical scenarios. You know, and then from those same people, it was like awfully quiet when Tennessee was getting absolutely drilled by Ohio State on Saturday night. Isn't that interesting? I think it's interesting. Listen, Lane, if you wanted to be in the playoff, you had your chance. In fact, you were in, my man, like you were in the playoff. And I love you. I love it. I really do. I love you. But you blew it. Like you lost a game that you shouldn't have lost. And so you weren't in the College Football Playoff.”
  11. They should take him anyway, even if he has to stay in the parking lot.
  12. How does this make any sense? https://www.espn.com/college-football/story/_/id/41679128/barry-switzer-87-king-norman “Previous coaches” would have been (in reverse order) John Blake (played for Switzer, coached under Switzer, got the OU job because Switzer needed badly to move him out of the Cowboys locker), Schnellenberger (at OU for one year, while Switzer was “coaching” the Dallas Cowboys), and Gary Gibbs (played for Switzer and coached under Switzer). What the hell is Stoops meaning?
  13. I’ve been to every home game this year. I have been going to home games for over forty years, and the occasional road game. Texas, in my opinion, has a sneaky home advantage. This is not the fanbase that is hostile to visitors, but it is a fanbase that is engaged and knows the cheers. I have seen eras when “Texas-Fight” was weaponized, and then periods (like now) when just regular noise is emphasized. Walking to the stadium, I was a little worried. There just was not as much pre game attendance outside, not as much energy. Many fewer tailgates, many fewer people milling around. Was this a different fanbase segment showing up? And then, the game. This was one of the more actively engaged crowds I’ve seen. It got really loud (Look, we’re not Aggies, we don’t claim noise makes a huge difference. To me, the best you get from noise is annoying the opposing offense and encouraging your defense, for what it’s worth- which is probably about half a point on average). I have never seen as many stay for “The Eyes of Texas” before.
  14. I have been to three B12 CGs, one UT-UCLA and one Cowboys- Titans (yea, VY) game there. My sweet spot (Im cheap) is the 300 level. I don’t watch the screen unless I want to. In the 400 level, you don’t have a choice.
  15. I liked his opportunistic scrambles. “Playoff Quinn” under that this is single elimination, win or go home, no tomorrow. We can win with this play.
  16. (There is a possibility that the 21 year old college student just grabbed the tie clip he had from the drawer, and there is an equally good chance of him wearing one that says “General Electric 20 Years”)
  17. So, the last time that OU won a postseason playoff game was January, 2001. TAMU, of course, has never won a postseason playoff game. TCU won one NYE 2022.
  18. I guess everyone knows that Alabama AD Greg Byrne is the son of ex Nebraska, ex TAMU AD BIL Byrne. Oh, how I miss Bill Byrne’s weekly missives to the Aggie faithful, updating them on the climb to supremacy and the eternal struggle against their “friends to the west” (that would be us, and no, he really didn’t mean ‘friends’)
  19. Yeah, but I was looking at the thread on the guy who killed Brian Thompson, and thought that the “CR standards” have been widened by a bunch. On my post above, I note a couple of documented facts, and ask if they are a factor. Is that CR-ing a DT thread? Nevermind. It’s not worth it. I deleted my post.
  20. Gotta be over two years, right?
  21. Let’s see…Venables was at Clemson when Mayfield was at OU. Lincoln Riley was Mayfield’s OC and then HC. I’m not sure what real info Mayfield could offer. Maybe he offered to be Mareer’s friend?
  22. Can you imagine that pitch? ”Come on, man, don’t be an asshole. Sign with the Sooners. If you sign with Miami, don’t think I won’t be dogging your ass on social media every chance I get. Hey, they’ll give you a statue!”
  23. I’m sure it will happen, now. They have their QB. They have a plan for 2025. (It would have been fun if they didn’t)
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