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Certifiably Surly
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  1. I would have given my blood, sweat and tears for the program for far less than $15M but that's just me. I hope RT can recover from such nasty comments on X.
  2. When I heard him talk about our "star power" while lobbying for why we should be in the dance, I knew this guy doesn't know how to coach offense and that he will only rely on star power to bail him out. I want a coach who preaches team over star power.
  3. Texas doesn't make DEI hires at the head coaching position but we are open to making DUI hires. The last one worked out quite well.
  4. My top three are Dusty May, Tommy Lloyd and TJO, in no particular order.
  5. Has he been fired or not? I am seeing a lot of speculation but has any reputable source confirmed it yet?
  6. We have no shot at winning anything in Meat Judging no matter how much money we allocate. Might as well stick to sucking in MBB.
  7. Ugly ass hero ball down the stretch did us in. Nobody looked to pass even when they were surrounded by 3-4 players.
  8. Do they ever miss 3 pointers?
  9. Bad Tre is when he thinks he is LeBron James.
  10. Hope Aggy is rooting for SEC SEC tonight.
  11. You know it's your night when even Shedrick is hitting the treys.
  12. Weaver, you beautiful freak!
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