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  1. Damn, really sorry to hear that about your mom.
  2. I have tickets for game 6 tonight but my buddy had an emergency and can't make it. Everyone else i know that likes the Stars is out for the holiday. Anyone here want to buy a single ticket?
  3. Not sure I saw it that way. Ramey got 2 shots on a call and blew them both. Allen got 2 on the last possession for the game winner. I didn't see them lopsided much at all
  4. What a great 2nd half until the last few minutes. Was great seeing Barnes back in the FEC one last time. Bailey used to live with his parents directly across the street from my ex MIL. Met him a couple of times he seemed like a good kid. I was shocked he's still playing college ball and had no idea he left Oregon.
  5. I think he was my ex wife's cousin's husband. Very nice guy in real life I couldn't say one sideways word about the guy but he was very innudated in republican rhetoric. Thankfully almost never brought that up in person that I can remember and that's always been a reminder to me that these trump people aren't just raging assholes. Some are good dudes and good family men with wayward beliefs who get sucked up into the cult of personality.
  6. I believe I stole his name when the migration happened just so that piece of shit would have to change it. And clearlakehorn too.
  7. Well now this one got real awkward
  8. Boom and fucking head shot. Damn drew and vic got a fat dick slap right across the face. Haven't seen a roasting like that in a while. Damn, that was brutal
  9. I always heard the generations were 18 years. War ended in late summer 1945 so 1946 - 1964 are boomers. '65 to '83 were GenX '84 -'02 were millennials '03 - '21 whatever the fuck they're called.
  10. If that is correct I have almost zero doubt bias by that official and maybe others in the game caused the Saints to lose the game. Ironically it was the Rams that were bitching about keeping a ref out of that game all week before.
  11. You're probably right so leave off that last part but implement the first two.
  12. Why not? If there's blatant enough pass interference to warrant the call then it should be called.
  13. Just give both teams one challenge per game in the 4th quarter for any officiating error. If you win your ref challenge you keep it and can challenge again until you lose one. Establish league hub like the NHL has that handles all challenges and reviews so the game refs are completely out of it. NHL has done it for years and it's clearly the best system in all of sports and every league should use it. Refs get graded extra harshly for 4th quarter fuckups and after a serious number of game effecting fuckups are automatically fired without possibility of appeal. This shit isn't that hard. Except the NFL wants to reserve the right to fix games.
  14. If I'm the Saints I don't let those refs leave New Orleans with their leg bones intact. Only other time I've seen refs be the 100 percent reason a team loses a game/series of that magnitude was the 2002 WCF where the fix was 100 percent in for the Lakers over Sacramento.
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