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Everything posted by In10se

  1. Gotta call a little bullshit on that one. There wss no reason for Comey to send the letter to congress at that time as he knew an immediate leak would occur by republicans. Sending that letter was the same as leaking it himself. You especially don't send it when you haven't determined if there was anything there. You start the investigation of new evidence and only advance forward if there are any conclusions that can be made for charges after it us completed... the same as any other FBI investigation. If doing this is proper protocol then why didn't he inform congress by letter of the investigation into trump that hadn't completed? His reasoning for the leak letter was he was afraid his NY office was going to leak anyway after the info was discovered from Weiner's wife's computer? So you say because as director I have no control over my department leaking anyway I'm going to just go ahead and leak myself? That's a terrible rationalization. The proper play was to conduct the investgation of new info with the same protocol as any other investigation but Comey decided to get political and it bit him in the ass. " Officials at the D.O.J. tried to convince the F.B.I. that all Comey had promised Congress was that he would take a look at new information, that he risked creating another misimpression by sending a letter, that doing this so close to an election was insanity, and that “the overwhelming odds are that this will amount to nothing,” as one former official puts it. One argument that the F.B.I gave in response was that now that the circle had become much bigger, including agents in New York, the probability of a leak was high and would only increase once the request for the warrant was filed. “Yes, it was absolutely explicit that one reason for the letter was that the agents in New York would leak it,” says a Justice Department source. “That is a crappy reason. You can’t manage your people? And a leak would have been better than what happened.” (In fact, on the morning of November 4, Giuliani returned to Fox & Friends, to gloat, “Did I hear about it? You’re darn right I heard about it.” Later that day, he tweeted, “I still challenge someone to produce proof of my direct involvement w @fbi.”)" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/02/james-comey-fbi-director-letter/amp
  2. I still wonder if Comey didn't release that last minute statement on Clinton to intentionally help trump win for his own selfish legacy reasons. He already knew the FBI had established an investigation on trump and Russian meddling for months, and might have seen the possibility he could go down in history as the legendary FBI director that took down a corrupt US president if trump won. Of course it backfired on him and now Robert Muller is in position to be that guy. Comey's shameless hucking of his book and attention whoring over this whole thing makes me believe it a little more. Just a theory but I can't think of a legit reason he released that last minute statement harming Clinton.
  3. I see your point there but the main difference is today's political parties are far more led by extremism than anything that was happening 40+ years ago. Carter was an outside candidate and took on his own democratic congress on issues which neutered him as a president, but he was still a morally respectable man with a desire to uphold American democracy. That and his own parties' majority in congress being willing to challenge him over issues are the two main differences you overlook. That was an example of congressional checks and balances working where as today we have a completely openly corrupt and immoral reality tv show con man president who his parties' majority held congress are refusing to hold accountable for their own selfish reasons. That's the big difference and that is where our country will eventually completely break down unless a miracle uprising causes that to change. I just don't see that happening.
  4. Congress will not get fixed just by voting in new people. This is because of the "my party over everything" nature of Americans in politics and that isn't going away. A few new congressmen will come on but they will quickly be indoctrinated into the self serving corrupt ways of 21st century congress. You really think the billionaires will just let their policy puppets go? Hell no, the only way to correct the problem would be to limit congressional terms to 2, ban lobbying and corporate campaign contributions, and impose (and actually prosecute) stiff penalties for breaking that law on both the billionaires and the politicians. They start looking at serious prison time and that activity will all but stop. Of course none of that will ever happen because the people who are charged with creating the laws are the ones who would get punished and lose tons of bribe money under those laws. That is why just voting in new people won't work to fix the problem when the entire system is a self propagating loop of corruption.
  5. Problem with that is that 10 years ago it was ludicrous to think a president would ever have thought to use pardon powers in a way that is so corrupt as to border on criminal in nature. 10 years from now we might even have a more corrupt president that does it with impunity and the argument is "well we set precedent by allowing trump to do it". The time to fix it is now when we are seeing that it is very possible we have such a corrupt president as to make this an issue.
  6. The part where his reasoning is flawed is that it assumes the presidency is the only source of this forest fire when in fact the president is merely a symptom of the stupidity of the American people. The real problem is congress being 1) completely tethered to corporate interests and lining their own pockets in the process and 2) being so consumed with re-election they refuse to perform their duties as a check on executive power and corruption. The president with leave soon but the corruption of congress will not and will be the driving force, along with the stupidity and ignorance of the American people, that slowly continues this countries' decline into financial and social ruin.
  7. The problem with that pick is even if they get lucky and he comes back better in year 3 then has a breakout year 4 all of a sudden if you want to keep him you have to pay him. You basically got nothing out if his cheap days and with the cap you can't afford to be paying LBs big money. Where as a draft pick of Miles Jack would have been exactly what you want from that pick. LB who comes in productive in year 1 and gives you 3-4 very productive seasons before you let him go in free agency and get the compensatory pick while someone else wastes their cap on an expensive LB. The organization still just makes little stupid decisions like that.
  8. In10se

    Sean Hannity

    Same with Rapey Bill it all comes down to sponsor money. If the mainstream narrative becomes Hannity was personally involved with aiding in Russian hacks of the US and willfully disseminating the info then sponsors could drop out quickly.
  9. In10se

    Sean Hannity

    To keep trump directly out of the hacking loop? They probably figured they could use attorney/client privilege to shield any involvement which would explain Hannity mentioning it to Cohen and yesterday to the public that he expected it. Sounds plausible but the proof has to be there in Cohen's files or it's just circumstantial.
  10. In10se

    Sean Hannity

    Cohen attempted to keep his identity secret. Hannity never disclosed to his employer and has tried to keep secret that he was personally associated in a client sense with someone he was personally covering constantly on his shows. If it was just garden variety stuff neither of these wohkd have happened. People don't take this much effort to hide something that isn't pretty damning. What are the most likely possibilities? Hannity never got accused during the entire O'Reilly fallout or the 2017 "me too" movement so is sexual deviance likely? Hannity heavily reported on the DNC hacked email scandal as a pro hack supporter wanting to crucify the DNC and Clinton. Cohen is seemingly tied to Russians who have been confirmed as involved in the hacks. Hannity and Cohen have a relationship they tried hard to keep secret. Hmmmmmmm
  11. If you're sure he won't be there at 19 then doesn't that mean some GM better than Jerry definitely values that position and ability?
  12. Who told you that? Look at every great defense in the NFL and you almost always see a dynamic 1 tech who stuffs the center/guard combo and gets a push in pass rush. Eagles, Jaguars, Vikings all had one. Giants defenses that were near top of the league before last season had one. That notion that was espoused by Jerry Jones over and over is bullshit. A great NT to pair with a 3 tech is the foundation of a great defense and allows the rest of the defense to flow to the ball.
  13. In10se

    Sean Hannity

    Just a further brick in a Mexico wall sized collection of bricks showing that fox news and anyone associated with it are nothing more than paid propagandists for republicans. There's zero doubt and 100 percent proof even if the people who like being brainwashed by it want to keep being brainwashed.
  14. I think Sturm put it best today. It's partly Dez' fault because he has never taken personal responsibility for his actions and is always looking to coast on ability and not work hard, but it's mostly at the feet of the one person who has been the constant through all of these personnel issues. 10 years ago you had the same situation play out the same way with TO. A year ago you had a bad ending happen with Romo where Romo wouldnt speak to Garrett and felt wronged on the way out. All this is because of this terrible dichotomy Jerry set up where the star players he feels close to don't have to answer to the coach and can come straight to him with any problems they have. It's no wonder that Dez and Romo/TO before him felt they were on even level with the head coach and above the coordinators and other coaches. That causes major issues with the team dynamic and once the player is let go he feels personally slighted and betrayed. Then Jerry, as Dez said, comes along and blames the coach and others in the room for wanting the player gone. Jerry gets to be the good guy the entire way and whoever the coach is is blamed for betraying the player.
  15. The musers on the ticket said they ran into Witten at an event this weekend and Witten took Dez' comments personally about him. Said he was pissed saying there's no one on that roster he put more work and time into trying to help than Dez and for him to say that is ridiculous. He better find a place before the draft when teams who need receivers have new ones on board. I bet his bitch ass behavior on the way out combined with the word from people like Cowlishaw of how he needed his hand held constantly makes the market really small for him and at low money
  16. A few weeks ago I was picking up an order at an IHOP in Plano at 11 pm and a homeless white guy was sitting inside the waiting area just screaming all sorts of vile shit at some imaginary person and not a single person called the cops. If it was a black dude wonder how long until cops show up. Philly and Boston are insanely racist though.
  17. So I see Rocko's fake black persona is going to be here as well.
  18. Obviously they are planning to just take the big cap hit this year to get rid of Dez and Romo's money and clear space for next year. Depending on how well they draft for depth this coming season is probably Beasley, Williams, and Witten's last one too.
  19. That doesn't make much sense though because they aren't doing anything with the money this year. They cut him and and took the entire cap hit this year, and that's not a whole lot different financially on the cap than if they just let him play on his contract for this coming season and cut him next year. To me that means they just don't want him around anymore, and that is the same story coming from Dez and the media. How hilarious would it be if old ass Witten was part of getting two mouthy diva receivers run out 10 years apart.
  20. I say that because when TO was unexpectedly cut by Jerry he went off in the media railing about Romo and Witten and all that "Romo friendly" crap conspiring against him to get rid of him. Which they were because he was a giant asshole in the room. Now Dez is doing the exact same thing blaming "Garrett guys" and captains for getting Jerry to get rid of him. Which I'm sure they did because he's an annoying asshole and they're sick of it if he isn't even beating singke coverage or doing thi gs like showing up for treatment for supposed injuries he said he had.
  21. Captains were Dak, Witten, Tyrone Crawford, Dan Bailey, Scandrick, and Lee. We can cross off Scandrick and I would think Bailey. Crawford prob doesnt produce enough to matter. The others I can see all wanting his BS gone.
  22. Well Dez basically confirmed it now doing an interview and saying basically guys on the team who were "Garrett guys" and people with C's on their jerseys backstabbed him and wanted him off the team. I'm thinking Witten and Dak said GTFO He's going full TO now
  23. Word from Cowboy Fish is basically what I said earlier that the room was tired of his shit and putting up with him so they definitely weren't interested in putting up with his increased level of shit if he took a pay cut. Since Fish is an unapologetic Cowboy's mouthpiece I wonder if this is just Cowboys spin or if now that he's gone they're ok with telling the truth about how big of an asshole he was. I think the latter because all of the aspects of this thing point that way, but who knows.
  24. Lulz. If Goodell doesn't immediately give him 6 games he needs to be hanged from the roof of the NFL offices
  25. Dak needs top level blocking and a dynamic running game as well as receivers who are consistent in their routes and don't let multiple passes bounce off their hands to be intercepted in a season. He also needs to just grow as a quarterback and recognizing what defenses do on the fly and how to beat it. A diva receiver who throws sissy fits on the sidelines and runs lazy routes if he doesn't get a bunch of targets early in the first quarter and yet still counts 16 million against the cap isn't what he needs.
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