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Everything posted by In10se

  1. You're "me too"'ing a fucking fictional 80's movie? Come fucking on
  2. When I was growing up in the Valley in 1991 I went to a very old middle school that had the grounds surrounded by razor wire fences and security guards patrolling around. The students tended to act like animals and the result was more serious violence issues not better security. If you put ordinary people in a prison environment they will begin to act like inmates and the people in control will begin to abuse power. It's human nature and the Stanford study showed strong evidence of it.
  3. Well that solves it... CTE. Ban football.
  4. Once again, that wasnt me that said that you retarded cunt. I wouldn't tell my kids anything since I dont have any. I'd give yours my condolences.
  5. Thought you were referencing my post since I stated repeated gun violence against those who advocate unfettered access to guns would cause their position to change.
  6. He's right. You're a giant pussy. The OP asked for a non emotional response and you act like a 13 year old on her first period. Go get some cranberry juice and a Midol.
  7. I did not suggest someone should do that. I stated that as one of, if not the only, realistic avenue left to enact change in this policy. All of the evidence has shown any change enacted by politicians will not occur, and the American people have shown they will not hold the politicians responsible over this issue. Therefore, if any change is to occur, it would have to come through strategic acts of violence against those in power.
  8. I didnt say its the best or most beneficial for the country. That answer would be the citizenry educating themselves and stop falling for fear mongering and propoganda then supporting and electing officials who will make the change. Unfortunately, America is far last that being any kind of a realistic possibility. Therefore, the only other practical way to enact change is through violence. The history of mankind has shown this over and over again. It may not lead to good things but it will cause change.
  9. Ironically, the answer is guns. Gun down the leadership of the NRA, and gun down all politicians who support/receive support from the NRA. That starts happening in masse and laws will change really quickly. They're all about guns that they can use to kill people. Not when guns are used to kill them.
  10. Maybe we can live without Libraries, people like you and me. Sure, we're too old to change the world. But what about that kid, sitting down, opening a book right now at the branch of the local library... and finding drawings of pee pees and wee wees in The Cat in The Hat and the Five Chinese Brothers. Doesn't he deserve better?
  11. Wednesday was 22 years since George killed Susan
  12. There's a new term... A tahoe. It's used to describe a person that is the embodiment of hypocricy and selfishness. Also known as a jackass.
  13. Its not even done correctly. This football retarded family is so stupid when it comes to the game they can't even make up a bullshit term correctly. They said it stands for "wherever back" as in you can put him wherever in the formation. In that case it should be a W back or at worst a WE back. Or just call him a WEB. No, they have to throw in the extra "back" in there to make it sound racist.
  14. Damn, you bitches are still rambling about these cults
  15. I dont see how in the hell Harmon writes 70 more episodes at this level of complexity. There cant be that many good ideas left for it, but I've loved the first 3 seasons.
  16. Just shake yo asssssss bitch an let me see what ya got.
  17. I thought he settled in to a nice role on BaD and was pretty funny at times. I can see how his style and personality dont fit being a lead host but he was quick at times with some good stuff. Also almost all of the ticket viral shennanigans directly involved him. Even the leprechaun hunt in the ghetto. You can't replace that.
  18. In10se

    Dallas | BBQ

    Its not great BBQ but im done paying insane prices for BBQ. 45 dollars for a beef rib and shit after waiting in line for an hour plus with a bunch of sweaty fat meat geeks. I'll either make it myself or if I want a quick brisket fix hit up rudys.
  19. Ummmm... Whaaaaaa... Yeah nevermind
  20. In10se

    Dallas | BBQ

    Don't think you quite get the maths. It's 5 different meats about 1/2 lbs or so each of brisket/ribs/pulled pork/smoked chicken/smoked sausage. Plus a giant potato. If you say thr average for those at rudys prices wpukd be about $16 a lbs that's $40 in meat alone. Next time I'll ask for sliced brisket
  21. It all points back to the root problem that will bring America down. After a few decades of promoting a culture that shuns education and promotes ignorance and excess Americans are now too stupid to hold anyone accountable for any transgression against them.
  22. Not true. I didn't say it legitimizes them but offers a path to legitimacy through our own instability. Most of the international community doesn't share the same view of NK to the level we do. We've been the ones mostly responsible for upholding sanctions and keeping that regime's feet to the fire, mostly because we've seen them as a threat to us and our interests in that very crucial part of Asia seperating China and Japan. SK is our strategic foothold off the coast of China and NK has been a threat to that this entire time. We've mostly been able to stalemate them there and keep our presence because of the allegiance with SK and because of that regime's unsavory leadership. Doing trumpy things that make us look like unstable lunatics both hurts our relationship with SK and gives NK a path to make their own deals with SK and minimize us/butt us out.
  23. Those 3 prisoners have now become the thing NK will point to for proof of their willingness to compromise and negotiate. It puts them on higher ground as now things like these joint military exercises or, eventually, the US military presence in SK will be painted as signs of impending aggression and reasons for NK to not denuclearize. Congrats trump, you just single handedly gave NK a path to legitimize itself as a nuclear state to the international community. Guess this is why you don't let children negotiate deals
  24. That is worded weird. Are they saying they want the US to stop insisting Kim gives up the nuclear program? Kim is going to try every trick to get Trump to withdraw US forces from Korea. His 3 objectives are 1) withdrawal of US forces 2) easing of sanctions 3) covertly continuing nuclear arms build up while being seen as legitimate by the global leadership. Trump is on his way to helping him achieve all 3.
  25. Those werent Vader movies. They were whiny ass bitch kid movies with horrible writing and the worst acting known to man. A real Vader movie with JEJ would be ideal.
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