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Everything posted by Farmerted

  1. Yea , wasn’t his left collarbone tore off his sternum ?
  2. They found out he’s still married to the chick who broke his rib ….good move by Giants
  3. I knew the 77036 was gonna make a comeback
  4. Or Jeff Traylor … skins are nice unless you Aggie it
  5. Young Frankenstein The good the bad the ugly the graduate ( when he’s a senior in hs)
  6. Lot of shit talking in baseball forever, per umpire friend much worse in last few years, batter TAFO
  7. Change thread name to “college football playoffs are stale and boring” yesterday was a beat down
  8. That was the most boring 8 hours of football I have never watched
  9. I can’t believe this haven’t happened on a larger scale already , with Nil maybe it will . There’s no reason it couldn’t work for Basketball 2-3 players and your in the tournament .
  10. I’m down with both and megadeath
  11. Don’t want him , spend your money in the trenches .
  12. Back to Rising vs any qb we have or may have, the difference is his offensive line.
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