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Everything posted by Loco

  1. I was responding to the post that I quoted. I haven't projected anything relating to C-19.
  2. Yeah so the math there... 6,000 deaths / 1,562,949 cases = .0038 That seems optimistic given what we have seen or am I doing this wrong?
  3. Jane's Addiction Nothing Shocking The Clash London Calling Johnny Lee Hooker Mr Luckey The Doors L.A Women NXS X Kyuss Welcome to Sky Valley Social Distortion Mommy's Little monster Led Zeppelin II Depeche Mode Violator Tom Petty & HB Southern Accents
  4. I just had a delivery of Hot-sauce show up at the door. Was excited till I remembered they are in Brooklyn. Yeah that package is going to sit on the porch for a few days. Los Calientes is damned good btw
  5. So your wife was going to make a definitive decision about dinner, and you're the victim here? Pulease!
  6. I saw a reasonable ex plainer for this but I can't find it. I think it's all BS until rigorous scientific data is available. A+ worst => O- best Team A+ It had to do with A antigens and B antigens being more receptive to the virus. Don't really know why that would matter because the virus invades other types of cells. Proper Fooked Whoopie! More statements with absolutely 0 action behind them. So when they get sick in isolation they won't count towards ICU beds...smart! We already have plague ships in bound. My list of folks I can't stand, Cruisers & The Dutch. And the Dutch have some redeeming qualities CSB Was at Mardi Gras decades ago.. street preachers added to the enjoyment IMHO. There was one guy the crowd was absolutely going crazy for. He was dressed like Jesus and I was watching this guy bear his burden down Bourbon St. He had a HUGE cross on his shoulder with a little wheel on the end to help him schelp it along. It said "Trust in Jesus!" The crowd on the other side of the street was going crazy cheering Jesus on. When Jesus got a little way down the street, he turned around for another pass. On this side Jesus' loin cloth was leather and the cross said "and show us your tits" Ah life before cellphones... /CSB
  7. lulz... you can't talk about that here... Safe to say it will happen, but it's been delayed. That's all I'll say about that. I do wonder if it has already been priced in... I assume it already has.
  8. Loco

    Gym Pet Peeves

    Squat jumps, lunges, squat holds, calf raises. I have 40# dumbbells and did a circuit workout at home that had me hobbled for days. Deep squat (lower than 90* leg bend) with 2 40# dumbbells in rack position. Yeah it works
  9. I didn't see what the count was, but Didn't Spain have it get into their nursing homes and the support staff just bailed... Horrific stuff They're also an older population
  10. For all Florida's talk of isolating NY/NJ passengers... The people got a form when they got on the plane in NY/NJ that they needed to fill out (like a customs form) destination, location, reason for the trip... and then when they got off the plane in Florida they put the form in a collection bucket. No screening, no one meeting the plane... nada. It's a complete joke (obviously).
  11. Maybe it's good practice... but my thought as a laymen when I read this sentence... "This is fucking america..what the fuck?"
  12. Just something to point out here... everyone talks about Springbreak being one fixed week in time because that is their reference... oh no... Spring Break is about a month/month and a half long. Different schools let out at different times. We usually have kids here (Ft Lauderdale) from the middle of Feb - end of March. This year was cut short, but the waves of cruise-ship passengers hitting the beach pre or post sailing just adds to the "fun".
  13. Well the graph is confirmed cases. Meaning that testing was done. Sure countries use different tests but are you saying it's not exponential because of false positives? Because if the number of cases are under counted (by far the most likely scenario)... it's still exponential growth.
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