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Everything posted by Loco

  1. The orange plastic seat belt release clashing with the leather would set my OCD off everytime. Not unique to Audi but for some reason that picture sets me off.
  2. I'm hoping the worst case scenario is just televised games. It'll lack the atmosphere but I don't want to hold out for a year and 4 months. Fuck this off season in particular!
  3. ahhhhhh fuck Even the secondary sources of TP are drying up
  4. Around here it's 5-6 guys in a truck pulling a trailer. They don't come in contact with the home owners but they are packed into that truck like lemmings.
  5. Landscape crews were declared essential in Florida... mine did the yard yesterday
  6. So the UK is started to get squirrely with their death numbers. Data did not come out on time yesterday (perhaps not at all)
  7. Maybe some more good news... The home depot ventilator https://ufhealth.org/news/2020/uf-researchers-lead-way-rapidly-designing-building-low-cost-open-source-ventilator
  8. Cold and dry. The fatty layer around the virus becomes rubber like in the cold and allows the virus to live longer outside... Here is a good article if you want to know more https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200323-coronavirus-will-hot-weather-kill-covid-19
  9. Back tracing... we didn't need 350 million test to start. But I'll grant you that we did need more than we had... and a plan to use them efficiently. But that's a topic we can't discuss here. Not that it matters now anyway. Agreed on the antibody test... I brought that test up like 200 pages ago, you know before it was cool.
  10. I disagree, the more folks who are asymptomatic carriers the higher the need for testing (but better news for those without severe illness)... That's the lesson they learned in Iceland & Vo ... unless you want to tell grandma (and all the other olds) to roll the dice and if its snake eyes she's dead. You have to should identify the carriers and quarantine them. It's the fact that we can't do this that we are in the "shut everything down and it sucks" phase. Generally we need more data... only one way to get that data. So that's more like what I was thinking. Flu like symptoms <> asymptomatic. But the articles (very very preliminary for Iceland & Vo) indicated 50% Asymptomatic. Thanks for taking the time to dig that up.
  11. I wasn't calling you out I was looking for info on something that seemed like some good news. It's all good
  12. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-22/one-third-of-coronavirus-cases-may-show-no-symptom-scmp-reports that's great news if it holds up
  13. Were did you get that? or is my sarcasm detector broken?
  14. Getting a clearer picture of the ChiTownDoc home office... Nothing will top this classic
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