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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Santitas ftmfw interesting graph.. nothing shocking except maybe Colorado stocking up to go ham on neighboring states
  2. I was responding to the quote below. I'm not defending China's government.
  3. That has nothing to do with testing efficacy Damned near every man women and child in american voluntarily carries around the most sophisticated spy device invented by man. Yes our government uses this data. Have we not given up freedoms in the time of crisis / natural disaster? I know I can't go to the beach now, I know friends who had to close their businesses. I disagree that Americans faced with daunting challenges can't rise and overcome them like no other country on this planet. (this is obviously just opinion)
  4. I think they did Lock down in Jan... Like huge news making lockdowns. I remember because it was also the Lunar new year. Wiki says Jan 23rd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Hubei_lockdowns
  5. We had the same heads up that S Korea & Singapore had. Are you arguing we don't have the same technical capability, or physical capability? Because no country in the world is "set up" like any other country. If your point is that testing wasn't important because we failed at testing... that's not a sound argument against the efficacy of testing Testing is, was, and will continue to be critical.
  6. I hope that's true, hasn't stopped it in Miami/Broward. We have been high to mid 80's and sunny for a week or two. I also don't get this line of thinking because I would assume that most transmission takes place indoors... Which buildings have internal temps in the 80s/90s?
  7. With testing and back tracing we would not have needed a test for every american prior to the spread. See S. Korea, Singapore The people in the testing doesn't matter camp were wrong then and still are now.
  8. I was saying... many hundreds of pages back that one reason for broad testing was that once you were tested positive and recovered (again cleared by test) that individual could take on duties for the high risk folks or return to being a productive member of society. Obviously since we did't do that we have to wait for the other test. But that position was never addressed by the "testing is useless" crowd.
  9. Step into my office, because you're fucking fired! https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/singapore-scientists-on-the-front-lines-of-fight-against-covid-19
  10. Hey man a B is an A in Florida.... checkout Sumter County, home to the largest "adult community " in the US .... F. Party on Garth! That many beads huh?
  11. Frankly if you can't mention State or National responses that other thread is consigned to jokes and where to buy TP. Almost any serious reporting will bleed into the state/national realm.
  12. When the red counties burn, The Villages, nursing homes etc... he's gonna wish he'd done something different. Florida's economy is NOT built for Social Distancing, perhaps more than any other state. This is a Faustian deal if there ever was one.
  13. For the love of god and all things holy... right click, Paste as plain text
  14. Looks like some folks might be getting more cruise bang for their buck! Big cities and transportation hub cities are absolutely getting hosed. "Their" (really a private company's) capacity is going to get soaked up with people from other areas. The NY crowd headed down here en masse. I don't blame them, but it still kinda sucks.
  15. There are at least 5 different houses in my neighborhood that are in various stages of demolition or construction. Can confirm a shitload of cars/vans. I think it depends on the trade. Roofers are literally bused in. Other than the idea of 15 dudes on a 1/4 acre sharing a port a pottie in mid/high 80* heat... I think it's absolutely a non issue.
  16. Counterpoint: Construction Porta potties and roach coaches Generally I agree though
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