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Everything posted by Loco

  1. I picture TGH saying this while he bends over and lubes his ass. Yeah The virus originated in China and they tried to hide it from their own people and the world because of money. Look around at the US response both nationally and locally and tell me we didn't do the same fucking thing! How much prep and lead time was wasted? How many times were we told it's no big deal just like a cold. I got news for you pal... It's not just China's government fucking you... you're getting spit roasted. And the guy whose balls are slapping your chin is screaming.. "Oh China you bad boy you're fucking TGH raw! Bad China! Bad! And you know what, you're humming it along with him.
  2. Not at the moment, no. Prior to this Corona virus outbreak my biggest agricultural problem was the god damn iguanas eating all my peppers. BTW iguanas fucking love peppers.
  3. Cocaine in your soda?
  4. If it keeps out snowbirds & tourists you got yourself a gotdamn deal!
  5. Flu A, Flu B, syphilis... whatever. I have been saying this for a while... S. Florida is a hub for S America, the cruise industry, an airline hub for Europe, a massive tourism industry (sorry Waco), home for Snowbirds from the NE (NYC), permanent home for retirees and a Spring Break destination. Could you ask for a worse scenario? Florida's response has been piss poor by any metric. They have delayed and dragged their feet because the economic impact of doing the right thing was untenable given the political climate and the complete lack of a response from the federal government. ....but but but the heat and humidity!
  6. Flattening the curve does claim to save lives. The whole point is to NOT exceed capacity for care. ie 50 people need to be on a ventilator, but there are only 30 available = 20 deaths
  7. I looked into having some chickens... Seems like a lot of work and evidently they can be noisy. I like eggs but I am put out just by having to check the eggs in a cartoon at the store. If they want chickens, I don't have a problem with that. It's not any of my business.
  8. All life is sacred! => If we just let 3.4% of our population die, the rest of us can be happier! It's breathtaking hypocrisy. Beyond stupid
  9. Can you compare and contrast their administration's lies to our administration's? I think we got them beat on this one!
  10. Add it to the list of things we can't eat: Bats Pangolin Chicken Pork Quail Camel (don't laugh... looking at you Australia) Civet
  11. That's nothing! Do you know what the queers are doing to our soil?
  12. They can't lock down the staff or the first responders that are there ona daily basis, but can't get tested. This all sucks
  13. Figured it was just a matter of time. queue the Lawrence Welk Bubble machine
  14. beaten to it.... well played @conVINCEd
  15. I'm just waiting for some of the other ones to pop. I drive by several and they always have a firetruck or ambulance outside (it's gotta suck to be old) I have to imagine that's how it'll get in...that or asymptomatic workers/caregivers
  16. I feel a little disingenuous laughing at those stupid fucks. Young Loco probably would be out there too, trying to hook up with a girl with a room or sleeping in/on the car. God I was/am an idiot.
  17. It'd be nice if people were tested and if positive could do their isolation time and then engage again in economically productive behavior... nah! Let's just lock everything down for a month or so and just see.
  18. Ft. Lauderdale and Miami waited as long as they could to close things down... Yeet Yeet!
  19. 1 out of 3 ain't bad. I do love all the racists who have had their jaws loosened. Step on up say how you really feel Cooter.
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