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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Antiques Roadshow marathon? I just had a convo with my father... he's running around and doing whatever... he has a shitload of comorbidities (recent quad bypass asthmatic with high blood pressure) I have been a little under the weather since a ski trip to Breck...(scratchy throat and a mild headache) can't get tested though so I'm social distancing and taking it easy. He told me he was going to stop by and see the kiddos (maybe take them to a movie) and I told him point blank not to bother that I am not even going to open the front door. My MIL is a sweat little old lady who has been battling lymphoma. Unbeknowst to us she was planning a trip to Chicago and then to Taiwan. She decided not to go, but some of her brothers and sisters and family went. Tha fuq?! I'm not going to tell others how to live but I reserve the right to mock them. /csb Let x be the number of folks in the US over 65... If 20% of that population gets Covid-19 and 10% die (this is just for illustration relax!) x(.2)(.1) deaths x~= 56,000,000 so ~1.1million Dead Boomers
  2. The official surly recommendation was a 200mg edible... posted a while back. Reported to be a total cure....60% of the time
  3. well the gym we go to is a HIIT gym. So there isn't any standing around waiting for machines etc.... It's also ass kicking. She goes in the morning I go in the afternoon. (just personal preference) We have kettlebells & dumbells/bench at home. The one downside of HIIT is that you can't really do an effective heavy weight session (I don't really lift, bro) I have been telling her to mix up some heavy weights/lifting... so this seemed like a good opportunity. My shoulders are fucking toast right now. back to corona news
  4. I convinced my wife to forgo hitting the gym ever morning (she goes at 5:30am 6 days a week) This morning she woke me up @5 and was like "hey I'm not working out at home alone" Nothing like hitting the weights hard before the sun comes up... so yeah, I'm not tippy top today
  5. Another one? I know the futures market opens at 6 eastern. That's gonna be interesting
  6. I have two teens, watched Jackass the movie with them this afternoon. When the kids saw the lower res opening studio shots before the film starts they were like " is this one of your old movies with horrible special effects?" After the opening scene and the rental car crash up derby they were laughing and like "what the hell is this?" Me: "just wait" i watched their reactions more than the movie.... good times!
  7. I have two teens, watched Jackass the movie with them this afternoon. When the kids saw the lower res opening studio shots before the film starts they were like " is this one of your old movies with horrible special effects?" After the opening scene and the rental car crash up derby they were laughing and like "what the hell is this?" Me: "just wait" i watched their reactions more than the movie.... good times!
  8. It was a joke, like even the virus has to wait in a lift line in Summit Country. And I know it was a good joke because I'm having to explain it.
  9. I won't pretend to know. Unlike you. I'll wait to see what informed experts think. Not like that matters after the horrible fucking bungling of our response. I do think we will have a pretty good idea based on rates of infection and growth of cases that will point back to multiple infections started in different parts of the country at different times.
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