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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Yeah! Good thing we have a shit load of kids from other places here ready to fly home!
  2. They did outlaw them again. VOX had a really good video explainer that has been posted here at least twice. (included below) tl/dr the Wildlife industry is a tiny% of China's GDP but they have a very strong lobby. Only the very wealthy are eating these animals, not the general public. But those very wealthy folks are very influential and got the markets reopened after the closures after SARS but prior to this outbreak. The markets have been closed again and it seems like this time there is a lot of public anger in China about those markets and they want them closed for good. Here's hoping they do. Also need the wet markets in Africa and South America closed too. Also Asian Grocery stores in the US are awesome field trips. Who knew there were so many types of rice noodles? Ai ya!
  3. It's everywhere at this point, but especially at the ski resorts. waiting in lift lines probably
  4. In what material way does that matter? (also everyone knows this)
  5. it's surprisingly well written for a Florida legislator -Percy Harvey
  6. Sad to see it go... The Gata was going to be a tough out this year.
  7. They're just getting around to indoor plumbing. Testing is going to be a minute
  8. It's going to be interesting to go back and see how many posters have come to Corona Jesus
  9. Growing up, I had a Lebanese friend whose house always smelled like chlorine. Shit would burn your eyes just walking in. This explains a lot. for the record I am not a woman, but I do like women
  10. Let me know when herd immunity wipes out the common cold ... https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/coronavirus-resource-center Can a person who has had coronavirus get infected again? While we don't know the answer yet, most people would likely develop at least short-term immunity to the specific coronavirus that causes COVID-19. However, you would still be susceptible to a different coronavirus infection. Or, this particular virus could mutate, just like the influenza virus does each year. Often these mutations change the virus enough to make you susceptible, because your immune system thinks it is an infection that it has never seen before.
  11. He's good / reasonable. I think he used to be a Navy pilot. Worth a follow imho
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