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Everything posted by Loco

  1. truly we have out done ourselves!
  2. thinking about it... my kids only have 2 more days till Spring Break (weirdly late this year) Might just have them skip those 2 days and see how things are going in 2 weeks. (but not permanently if that's what you meant)
  3. well there is this... Former Homeland Security Adviser
  4. Co pays, deductibles, benefit maximums, all kinds of cute shit. "Intubation has not proven to be effective, declined" "the Dr treating you is not in network".... you know, all the horrible shit about our medical system. And people having been throwing shit Italy's way. Utee94... quicker on the draw
  5. After seeing the initial post/thread...I got to thinking, JUGS?, I like JUGS
  6. So this is fun, who knew we'd get to have a market crash 3-4 times a week? What a time to be alive!
  7. Know how this has been handled, I bet they would announce this on April 1st
  8. Can we get a thread title change to "Markets finally falling...."
  9. Starts Friday at Midnight... anyone wanting back to states probably won't have trouble finding a seat. I bet there are going to be lots of mostly empty plans repositioning
  10. Just make sure you connect through London.... that seems like a huge loophole... because the virus will never make if further than the nazis
  11. This is the part where we disagree. Panic is not what caused this "correction". Have you walked around outside? Market wide supply shocks in the form of disrupted manufacturing, reduced economic growth GDP, and reduced consumer spending (quarantines) ... Combine that with an overheated market, a gas war, colossal stupidity that injects uncertainty (markets love that right?), and just a pinch of delusional politicking and bang... it's on. I hope for the best, but this thing will get really fucking ugly because the Red team just thinks this is a PR problem, sure some folks will die "just like the flu every year, just stop panicking!" Based on what I see walking around in the real world 95% aren't focused on this as a real threat, never mind moved their money out of the market. These swings are institutions using sophisticated trading algorithms. John Q Public is not panicked....yet.
  12. Finally some good coronavirus news.... unless you're Juicy or Juicy sock Actually I think that's the right thing to do and I tip my hat to them for doing it.
  13. Posted up thread 200mg thc edible is the proven cure. Don't want to end up like those Iranians Depends, Are you throwing full ones at them, or just the empties?
  14. This is probably a choose your own adventure type deal. So far we have definitely opted for the shorter story.
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