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Everything posted by Loco

  1. You should talk to @RayDog he's been shorting that market for years.
  2. I sold into the rally (dead cat) yesterday. I'm a longterm buy&hold type of guy but I have 0 doubt this market is dropping out. Monetary policy won't help supply side shocks. That said I did not completely get out, I stayed in some positions. I won't look to catch the knife, but I'm betting I'll have a good long time to think about when to get back in fully.
  3. It's a bit of a local rag... but this is kind of aggravating... https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/coronavirus-norwegian-cruise-line-leaked-emails-show-booking-strategy-11590056
  4. ahhh thanks man, it means a lot coming from a poster like you. I would say the same about you, but honestly, apart from that majestically stupid post, I can't recall a single thing you've posted. So congrats for that.
  5. I hereby nominate this post for consideration for the hard fought prize of "Dumbest post on Surly 2020" I know it's early but this is a high bar.
  6. This is a fun listen... https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/03/10/812865169/how-a-south-korean-city-is-changing-tactics-to-tamp-down-its-covid-19-surge
  7. The Executive branch. That's not completely true but US cruise-lines are billion dollar businesses.
  8. Since the cruise ship industry is getting a bail out, maybe fill all those empty cabins.
  9. That's tricky, both of those are really on brand.
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