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Everything posted by Loco

  1. You're gonna like Greenard. But it seems like not everyone likes it...
  2. The movie drags in parts... but I love Blues, all the cameos, and the individual bits. Watched with my kids when they were around 12-ish. Asked them at the begining to guess how many cars get wrecked... that added an extra laugh. Also the crazy girl friend with the rocket launcher... Orange Whip?
  3. Some they do... but I think it's only the high $ results (promoting their platform)
  4. Are we sure Tidepods don't work? Maybe that's why kids are so unaffected... Somebody look into that
  5. I haven't seen Titanic. Not a big deal, but when it came out and people were ranting about it, they'd get vocal about my refusal to see it. I would just tell them I was waiting for the sequel.
  6. don't add this to your feed... https://twitter.com/Bringatrailer
  7. don't add this to your feed... https://twitter.com/Bringatrailer
  8. No China reopened their Wet Markets after the lessons learned from SARS... The Chinese government knew they were risky...and did it anyway. So fuck China for that!
  9. Doesn't sound flippant to me at all. But the problem is the deaths (and therefore some unknown % of infections) slow and decline at a slower rate than we would like. So if you want oh, say football in the fall, it's not great. It also hints and a lot more damage to our economy. Some of the data modeling nerds (which I confess to not understanding) have been saying that the models that are useful to predict the growth of a Pandemic might also model the tail end wrong. That's a horrible paraphase..
  10. Of the countries whose data we can likely trust, the slope down is gradual, even though many of those places still have onerous protective health measures in place. It doesn't look to me like a bell curve. So that's a big fucking problem and by a long shot the most disturbing thing on that graph. I believe China's data is garbage/propaganda making the only line on the chart with a steep decline not worthy of serious consideration.
  11. Go ahead and quote 1 post where I have been "supporting China" Good fucking luck because there aren't any. Quote a "lean way over the "no politics line" I'll wait. If it's not political to say "Fuck China" how is it political to point out that while the Chinese Government is full of shit and culpable in their own way, unless you are planing to move there, we have bigger problems at home. It's like polishing the anchor on the titanic, sure it needed to be done, but there might be more urgent things requiring your focus. It's not that hard to understand.... well for most people
  12. If you look at that graph and the big take away is Fuck China! You might want to get away from what ever media you've been consuming. Just a thought.
  13. I could hear the aaaawwwwwhhhaaaaaaa
  14. My god son was taking the SAT and got a case of the shits. Not the mildly annoying ones. The oh fuck after this next wave I've got to sprint for the bathrooms variety. He is a smart kid and did OK but his last 30 answers were "B". He's going to retake it. /csb
  15. Cage match of inconvenience! In one corner, you need water, can't use your freezer, no power and stores are closed In the other corner, you need toilet paper & a mask, can't fit more stuff in your working freezer and stores are open lol
  16. Same but cleaning out the garage.... and therefore all the little projects that I got the stuff for, but never actually did. It's a .... lot. On the upside I find strange and wonderful stuff. Today I found a Kenwood head unit new in box with receipt (circa 2015) I think this was from the old Landcruiser... but who knows?!
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