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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Don't worry the cruise industry has got this... Land based quarantines by Princess!
  2. Not in Murica! We still have people voluntarily walking onto cruise ships.
  3. That's ok within the last 2 hours Florida has communicated 3 different versions of "mandatory" self isolation protocol. Seems like they keep walking it back... wonder why that might be???? Here is the latest and most watered down version. Also no discussion at all about foreign visitors to the state.
  4. It's coming from inside the Costco! /horrormovieoperator
  5. No not in Florida. As of yesterday doctors who are requesting tests are being told NO. Will it change tomorrow? who knows
  6. he has to order off the picture menu? smh
  7. I got chicken pox (probably at Mardis Gras) and was kicked off campus for 2 weeks my freshman year. Missed mid terms, it was a real bitch, some professors were cool, a few were NOT. Make-up exam in biology went from multiple choice exam (that I missed) to 60 Short essay responses. Fuck that guy!
  8. Narrator: "what TwiceHorn didn't know was that Princess Cruises was owned by Carnaval..."
  9. I'm with Ben on this one. I hope they turn out in droves and continue to turn out... just to own the libs
  10. Well hurricane season is right around the corner... I only picked some up because it was on sale.
  11. WHO Official Says Coronavirus Containment Remains Possible Aylward led a fact-finding trip in China in February on behalf of the World Health Organization. He says the experience there altered his view of what can be done. "They actually changed the course of a respiratory-borne outbreak without a vaccine, which was extraordinary," says Aylward. The number of daily new cases in China went from around 2,000 a day just a few weeks ago to less than 100 in recent days. But Aylward says other countries may be taking the wrong lesson from China by attributing its success to the government's unprecedented restrictions of daily life in several cities, most famously Wuhan, the city of 11 million people where the outbreak began. There, the government has suspended transportation out of the city and for the most part required people to remain in their homes – with only brief forays permitted to stock up on food and other supplies. "China has 31 provinces, thousands of cities," notes Aylward. "And it was only a few cities where they took those draconian measures. In the vast majority of them they ... really went back to fundamentals of public health." https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2020/03/08/813401722/who-official-says-coronavirus-containment-remains-possible?utm_term=nprnews&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=npr&utm_source=twitter.com
  12. There's a cruise ship gross tonnage joke in there somewhere.
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