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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Spring break is just starting to happen here. Each week a wave of kids from all over the country flies in and drinks/parties themselves stupid. The grocery store I go to is by the beach and the beer isle is taking a real beating. I usually don't worry about wiping down the cart handle, but I've been starting to do that every time now. Yesterday I walk in get a cart, roll over to the wipes (i'm already bare-handing the plague in my mind) and wipe the handle and my hands. Next thing I do is touch my fucking face.... every fucking isle. Oh adjust my sunglasses as I'm walking out... /csb
  2. I've spent time in the south and in Italy. Country sides are about the same (poor agrarian), big cities like Rome, Florence, Milan are modern and have medical facilities that would rival US cities of the same size. My uncle traveled from the US to Rome for his cancer treatments. He lived in NYC I'm not saying it's an exact match, I just think of the countries infected they are the best emerging model to look at. If the US had rolled out a stiff response and testing the Koreans did, I'd say look at them. Fun fact... as for the US/Italy comparison. Tuscany is about the same latitude as Oregon.
  3. I agree if we are talking food. If you think Italy is more like Mexico than the US, I'd recommend a road trip through the deep south. Mississippi, Alabamba, Arkansas...Appalachia.
  4. 1) AK hasn't added a got damned thing to the discussion other than "you can't believe what you read" as a response to people trying to engage in discussion. I asked him to clarify his position and his response was along the lines of "all I know is we are not all going to die" Is that the type of thoughtful dialog you seek? So I called him out and neg'd his post 2) I'm all ears my man, why don't you articulate for me AK's position... perhaps I'm an idiot and missed his nuanced and critical take 3) It's hilarious that you think "whiteknight" and "triggered" are unique to Surly CR. You're gonna love the internet, you should try it out sometime.
  5. I'd guess some of those extraordinary measures we have been marveling at have paid off. I think I'll keep an eye on Italy and see how this plays out in a run of the mill developed county (better analog to the US)
  6. I love how he starts off by wiping his nose so hard you can hear it. RIP that beard
  7. For the record, I was the first person to call AK a troll. And he is, and probably a sock too. I'm not going to spend my time looking into it further than his posts here. I do wonder why close feels he needs to dust off his cape and do some white knighting on behalf of an obvious troll... but that's up to him. back on topic... This dude gets it
  8. Lots of viruses can be transmitted by mosquitoes. I'd take my chances with Corona over another tussle with Dengue. That shit sucks
  9. If only there was a company known for making data driven decisions and they had *some* data on people...
  10. Bad link. shocking So if Brisket had said "I guess it will be bad" That would have been more valid? His opinion seems to be informed by the data at hand (albeit scant). So in the I guess based on my feels Vs. Here are my thoughts based on limited information.... he's wiping the floor with you.
  11. You gotta a link to the shit you're just spewing out? Oh yeah I remember from above, "you can't believe what you read bro!" and you don't know anything you just have a feelings.... and those feelings are more or just as valid as any data. If you have an agenda, you're sucking at it, and if you are going to troll at least try and be entertaining or witty.
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