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Everything posted by Loco

  1. There is an excuse and there also is a reason. But that's for a different thread. 3rd case in FLA confirmed. Close contact with the chick who visited Italy.
  2. I'm on pins and needles ... tell me everything you KNOW about this virus/pandemic
  3. More like cancellations. Hotels can't change room/nights... but airlines will ground planes & car rental will dispose of fleet
  4. If you look at "all activity" it will only show rep/reactions in the last 7 hours.. then post & reactions
  5. If you look at "all activity" it will only show rep/reactions
  6. Wellp, you heard him. Nothing to see folks. Move along. VISIT FLORIDA! We have Cruise Ships (very clean) and Theme Parks (also very very clean) and blow (which is probably medicinal)
  7. So it's only bad in Italy, China, Iran? Everyone thinks China will treat citizens like grist for the mill, but they trashed their GDP over a mild cold like illness? Watch what this thing will do to that Nursing home in Seattle? 2 dead already... Meanwhile in Italy... doesn't sound like what you are describing (PS I hope you are correct) https://abcnews.go.com/Health/wireStory/italys-health-system-limit-virus-struck-lombardy-69331977
  8. you know up until recently I really enjoyed the cheap direct flights from MIA to MXP daily.... now... fuck it still might me worth it. One of two "provisional" cases in FL is guy that flew in from Milan. So I'm guessing we're off to the races. Just watch how FL attempts to bury outbreak news. They've already done all they can to prevent testing.
  9. Just my $.02 I think the "I may have had Corona virus already!" crowd is delusional. If you had this, everyone in your office/family/church/schools would have also gotten it. Do you know someone who has been hospitalized with severe respiratory distress? (say 1/10 people, perhaps your parents) No?! These folks have had cold/flu or allergies and are hoping the worst is past for them and their families. It is a pleasant and reassuring thought, but it's almost assuredly NOT true. My brother swore he got this over Thanksgiving last year. I pointed out that would have been before the first known infection on the other side of the planet. Oh and no one else in the family got sick either.
  10. Whelp it's still broken. Activity search not showing new posts
  11. Can confirm, Spring Break is still on... chip & beer isle devastated. Still plenty of hygiene products though.
  12. Fair enough. But it's still extraordinary that they have closed Mecca & Medina two of islams' the holiest sites. And the French closed the Louvre.
  13. I agree about undiagnosed patients not being counted and the real rates of death/infected may not be know and will be lower. The problem remains. The deaths are known (perhaps some have died and been attributed to other causes) and positive tests are also a known. That math still sucks. The number of deaths / number of positive tests still portends a crisis. If you think the Chinese busted their asses to build hospitals and quarantined 100+ million for shits and giggles, you're crazy. If you think that the Saudis canceled the Hajj on a whim you're crazy. If you think the religious zealot government of Iran cancelled Friday prayers and services... If you think this has been widely circulating in the US and we just didn't pay attention... you get the point
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