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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Yeah except the power, water, and internet are up and the AC is working... So I'm gonna hang at home
  2. Why? so you can out run them? I won't need gas in the cars if I'm not leaving the house.
  3. You can buy used panties on Ebay too. Probably do about the same amount of good.
  4. If you test for something, you might find it. I suspect that Trump would be perfectly happy if people died from the Corona virus as long as it doesn't effect him. He just wants to say everything is OK and he did a great job and move on. The truth doesn't matter, only perception.
  5. Japan has a population problem as it is. They should have taken it more seriously from the get go. So glad I didn't take that ski trip to Niseko. meh, maybe next year
  6. Dems should be messaging that Corona is a test of your faith in Trump. Get Corona to own the libs!
  7. It only has to make it to the vallet drop off upfront and home again... what more could you want?
  8. Then the mandatory papal conclave.... It's gonna be a particularly bad year to be an alter-boy.
  9. Far be it for me to defend Bottom Mike, but it was also against Indiana state law at the time to conduct needle exchanges. Heard on that liberal communist pink O NPR this AM
  10. I just started reading a book about this called Imperfect Passage. I read about the first third of it today. Will report back when finished. Trying to get into the sailing part of the story. I am a power boat guy. Try reading it with your shoes off and don't shower till your done with it... you know really immerse yourself in that world
  11. I bet there is a market for blessed face masks....
  12. I like that Pence is in charge... so far the heads of other states (countries) that are responsible for Coronavirus containment have all contracted the disease. Hot Mike handshakes all around!
  13. young people have life insurance??? I know a lot of young people (16-29 ish) that don't even have driver's licences
  14. just show up coughing and sneezing, if they need that much ammo they can't be very good shots
  15. Don't forget to pass the collection plate, then grab that unwashed hymn book and belt out some vocals. Then turn to your neighbor, "peace be with you and also with pneumoniayou"
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