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Everything posted by Loco

  1. I thought Raydog had that locked up from the Corona Virus thread
  2. It's hard to imagine there are more malignant parts of Limbaugh than what we've seen
  3. Loco

    Fists of Furries

    The worst part is no one knows where those fists have been
  4. Am I the only one that hears the 6 million dollar man music?
  5. That's not bad for a quadruped
  6. LIES! Today is full on winter. High of 66 low of 50. 48% humidity & bright full sun light. Every single native Floridian will be in a puffy jacket and maybe a hat. Saw a guy this morning with gloves on. He is generally correct though ... Summer, summer, spring, spring... repeat
  7. your mom is a great teacher... so much experience
  8. Did you hear about the dyslexic guy who tried to commit suicide? I'm not dyslexic... just retarded evidently
  9. Is ODB2 not a thing anymore? I have a 2 year old car with an ODB2 port. I know some manufacturers have priority stuff but I'd be surprised if the bulk of cars sold today don't have ODB2... or has it been superseded?
  10. Oh shit.... I don't go in under 80* unless there's lobster or hogfish. Damned I thought it would be low 70s ish.
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