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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Have you tried Rain X ? Just sayin'
  2. I see that video and all I hear is Rage Against the Machine's Cucks on Parade
  3. can you work a screw driver? Because that's really the only "skill" you need If you price shop on PC parts picker and set alerts $1000 will buy a VERY respectable gaming rig. Of course like anything, you can spend as much as you want, but marginal return and what not.
  4. I did this with both my kids 12 & 10 at the time. Helps demystify a black box computer. Well worth it. Also PC games >>>>>>>>> console
  5. build it yourself.... ezpz https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/ - read up on builds https://pcpartpicker.com/ - find parts cheap profit?
  6. Loco


    Is it just me or does NASA celebrate any SLS/Boeing milestone while acting like an annoyed child when talking about Space X?
  7. He likes the popular ones ... your mom's ass
  8. I know a guy that used to do dessert races ... he had one of the last years that didn't have all the computer nanny controls. (don't remember the year, but it was an early one) In the right hands it's got plenty of potential (I went for a ride with him and I guarantee you would be holding on for dear life). I haven't talked with him for a while but I know he didn't want a newer one and was shopping for a fun truck replacement. /csb I wouldn't buy one, but I won't sit here and tell you they are garbage either. I just struggle to think there is a mainstream market for folks who need and use this type of truck for anything other than a lifestyle accessory. There is one 3 houses down that the guy uses to tow his 16' whaler. lulz
  9. The more you learn about the Spartans the more they remind you of aggy (except for the whole ACTUAL army thing) You could probably make a movie about the Peloponesian war with Aggy as Sparta and Athens as the Longhorns. Sure Sparta eventually got lucky and won, but really it boiled down to Texas hiring Mackovic But in the end only Athens is still standing
  10. She is in Athens and does tours there. She can arrange a van and tours to Delphi IIRC. Email her and ask for what you're looking for. If you are going to be in Napflion/Myceanea I would reach out to katerina.dize@gmail.com. We had a tour with her sister Smara in Mycenae but they do tours in/around Nafplio (where they live) I have no connection or incentive to refer these folks just passing along the info on the guides we used and liked (although I have no frame of reference for comparison) Definitely get a private guide. Not only will you get a lot more out of the "rocks and rubble", you can get a lot of recommendations/information and have genuine conversations. In Olympia we spent the better part of an hour sitting in a shady spot in the ruins and talking about why the Greeks are/were so pissed about Macedonia Vs North Macedonia ... yeah just the name of another country will get you hot takes in Greece. Spoiler... it has to do with Alexander the great. PS anyone who goes to Olympia, be sure to notice a small glass box in the museum with a small crushed greek helmet.... There isn't a lot of fan fair about it... It's only Miltiades game worn helmet from the battle of Marathon.... after the victory, he went to Olympia and made a sacrificial offering to Zeus for the victory... and they found it. The man who saved western civilization
  11. He has to point his head down to look straight ahead. Add in the pad pull down and he's a strange mofo
  12. It's the best offense money can buy Herbie... you inarticulate knob
  13. That's what I want to now... PAC refs are the gold standard of incompetence
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