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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Jesus just stop with the super hero movies already ....fuck!
  2. In every game ever year... it's bullshit, but it's part of the game.... "rub play"
  3. I'll wait and see, but I agree with others above, Burrow looks tentative and is making some business decisions
  4. fuck him and his whistling... I guess he doesn't do that anymore... but that was so fucking annoying
  5. I hope the halftime isn't an extr long one.... you boys ready for the show? Yeah mute incoming
  6. I feel like he is clearly pulling for Clempson... his kids are on that team
  7. These PAC refs gonna wait till some one pulls out a knife... been letting the wr/dbs hand fight like crazy
  8. LSU has the snap count ... Clempson gonna get a free 5 yards at some point with the hard count
  9. Borrow not hitting those crazy tight windows... dude has wheels though
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