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Everything posted by Loco

  1. You mention freedom... we don't have the "freedom" to do a lot of things in the name of public health. Some entities drive a narrative that some group of individuals WANTS the US to have restrictions like these in place for no reason. No one wants them, but they are warranted. So that yowling bitch's impotent rage is the real issue... she clearly has mental health issues, and if they weren't focused on Covid-19 health protocols, you could be sure they would be focused on something similarly "terrible".
  2. yeah I saw that too .. guy was trying to be supportive and it's just human nature. like touching your fucking face
  3. This is the secret DeSantis was trying to keep from the public. Facing a lawsuit from the Herald he finally released the information. I hope other states are doing a much better job than Florida.
  4. This thing is bad ass... not available around here ymmv $179 https://www.williams-sonoma.com/products/staub-essential-french-oven-dragon-design/?pkey=s|staub|89
  5. Coronavirus at Smithfield pork plant: The untold story of America's biggest outbreak https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52311877 Holy shit... yup we got this open'er back up!
  6. If you read the article, they are looking at the test, however some of the recovered patients are showing symptoms again (albeit mild symptoms). No signs of tansmission from a "recovered" patient. Fingers crossed on that one
  7. So this keeps happening... really hope these are the results of wonky tests... but as the numbers rise that seems less and less likely.
  8. The concept is not political, but it is absolutely a political talking point. It's a mechanism to shift blame and attention. Even in your recap China (the whole country) is phrased as the dastardly villain while our utter ineptitude and attempts to hide/ignore the rising risk for a much LONGER period of time are cast as simple missteps. Who is the victim here anyway? It's amusing to see some posters' thoughts evolve perfectly in line and in time with shifting talking points... -It's like the flu -Everyone's panicking -Warm weather bro! -Quarantine China! Italy, you cool bro -Bat Soup! -It'll never make it here to BFE -Testing is ramping up -Testing is overrated anyway, it's too late for testing -Cases are under-counted, still just like the flu -Deaths are over-counted, flu bro... -My personal favorite... buy the dip! -They were going to die anyways -I'm not saying it's worse than the flu, but the olds had a good run -It's everywhere (I got the black lung pops) Even here in BFE! -Herd immunity... BINGO! -Cure can't be worse than the disease! -Open or riot!
  9. Used the pink salt per the recipe. I don't think it adds anything at all. Some of the best Q I have ever eaten didn't have a smoke ring. But the Serious Eats recipes are usually pretty damned good so I followed it... except for the whole trimming off all the fat thing... which was stupid on my part.
  10. Foreign agent or BOT... either way unforgivable
  11. It was dark, they had half a pack of cigarettes and their sunglasses on
  12. Van Halen - Diver Down Depeche Mode - Violator
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