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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Did you win? no your mom is a beast!
  2. The IT Crowd ... generally sit com funny with a few episodes that had me laughing so hard. Moss is the man.
  3. Looks like Indiana has found the cure for Volshiemers.... I just love seeing 10rc suffer....
  4. Minnesota's Gopher on the side of their helmet looks like a strip club mascot.... also great catch either way...
  5. It's so nice that both teams from Alabamba are losing... 2020 lookin' good so far... just thought that should be on this thread too
  6. It's so nice that both teams from Alabamba are losing... 2020 lookin' good so far
  7. oh fuck off commercials.... missed the TD because they came back late.
  8. Prediction... Goal line stand and then a safety
  9. so you're proud of his behavior? There is a reason it's getting national attention. Dude is a hell of an athlete, but his demeanor during the game was that of a petulant child.
  10. Yup. Even if it was technically "before" the game. The coach should have sat him down. Glad he doesn't represent my university
  11. Corvette talk not going away
  12. still better than Herbstreit... also bigger penis
  13. yes, yes they do.... this and so much more. They make baylor look like choir boys... In hind sight, (phrasing!) maybe not the best analogy for an ND fan.
  14. During halftime, for the love of god, can someone get the ASU QB a cheeseburger or something?
  15. well that was entertaining... Got back just in time to watch the last drive... lulz on the return.
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