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Everything posted by Loco

  1. I have to assume it's a fractional points model, it doesn't matter if they can't occupy the unit (similar to hurricane damage). It's a use it or lose it type thing. The association pays the maintenance, but the developer is the one who is fucked... tour flow and sales crater. Such a sleazy business, but a wildly profitable one assuming you can convert units.
  2. Gas, grass, or ass. I guess you guys had the last base covered. I want to know more. Was this one of those watching the gas gauge, turn off the AC, drive smooth trying to make the next exit or an "ok fuck, what was that? ... oh shit we're our of gas!" type of deal.
  3. Listen, people need a little Disney in their lives... or a cruise to decompress!
  4. While I think that is true, I think other systemic problems in the US have been exposed. Looking at you for profit healthcare industry. I am heartened that despite stepping on our dick for the 1st quarter mile we have slowed the rate of growth of the problem (probably) and prevented having our healthcare systems completely overrun. Let's just make sure we don't decide we kinda like dick stomping.
  5. As predicted... too dry. Good flavor. I think if I hadn't trimmed all the fat off it would have been better. Sliced it and diced some up. It won't go to waste. https://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2016/08/sous-vide-barbecue-smoked-bbq-brisket-texas-recipe.html https://i.imgur.com/Q1odfwi.jpg
  6. Bullshit. It's not political to acknowledge our failure to respond to this pandemic. Go ahead you start by making your argument that the US did a great job. I'll respond with counter arguments. No need to name names. We can start with PPE, testing, interstate coordination, communication... or wherever the fuck you want.
  7. I vote for a scientific, data driven, approach to solving this (and pretty much every) problem. Unfortunately the US has so badly bungled the handling of this crisis that it may take weeks even months just have any real semblance of what is happening or to coordinate an effective plan to move forward. Testing, back tracing, public safety guidelines. Those testing numbers that have been tossed about... They're bullshit too. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/coronavirus/article241882491.html
  8. or crime is down... https://time.com/5819507/crime-drop-coronavirus/
  9. Guys I got an idea about a possible replacement for sports https://www.yahoo.com/news/starving-angry-cannibalistic-americas-rats-083044613.html
  10. Loco

    Easter 2020

  11. Turned the whole place into a ZTL. Also passed them in deaths and still climbing... Team America... Fuck Yeah!
  12. I think the 50's escaped from a medical lab IIRC Lulz go have a beer @ LauderAle , they are there sometimes too. C Porter is my recommendation
  13. Not compatible with bacon. You got any Virginia 5.56?
  14. If you thought the run on toilet paper was crazy, wait for the great Bacon panic of 2020
  15. So the first real signs of panic? More likely the Neo Nazis trying to get their bugaloo (sp?) off the ground. I'll take the under on a popular Corona virus response uprising.
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