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Everything posted by Loco

  1. Fuck those Mennonites can run!
  2. This way we know who to blame and who is innocent of any blame. Light the pitchforks!
  3. Heard an interview today about how they have "ended" their Wuhan lockdown. Basically you can only leave your apartment if it's for an approved purpose and only for 2 hours. You have also have a tracking app on your phone. They are still very worried. They have also apparently sealed off Beijing from the outside... No one is getting in. There's no use crying over spilled milk.
  4. That's a Texas sized 10-4 or Can confirm
  5. Every time I see a video that follows a cable for any length of time.
  6. I think they should remake this movie. This time the Farmer gets HUGE tax incentives and public money to build the stadium. Zoning is waived and heavy construction rocks a small farm community torn in two by the highway need to transport the "they"
  7. It's hard to imagine, but some of those kids don't have homes... some if they got a box of food, would have it taken from them. It's beyond fucked up
  8. Well since ridership is down, they reduced buses to save money... Checkmate NERD! https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/coronavirus-in-miami-county-bus-photo-shows-transit-crisis-11616533
  9. We got this social distancing down boys! 6am Bus from this past Monday in Miami
  10. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one's around to hear, does a duck with a boner drag weeds?
  11. Counterpoint: maybe you saw the handwritting on the wall and the pathetic response rolled out by your government and got out prior to the big declines. I'm sitting in cash and will not try to catch the knife, this is NOT the bottom. We are in a big ass recession... This will not be better anytime soon. All that said, I'll keep my powder dry and try to pick up great companies on the cheap in the 3rd or 4th Q. Worked in 2008 and it'll work again.
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