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Everything posted by Loco

  1. I saw your post earlier. Didn't respond because I don't know for sure, but lots of boats on the water. Somebody is selling gas and marinas have a lot of loopholes and are deemed essential. I've heard a Saltwater Products License will get you around a lot of the closures.. $50 online... I don't know if that's bs or not. https://myfwc.com/license/commercial/saltwater/ Saltwater Commercial fishing has been deemed "essential"
  2. https://www.boatus.com//boattech/articles/msd.asp
  3. ok Kevin Costner
  4. Tom Petty used to engineer albums so that the songs sounded good in the car. It was something they did before releasing.
  5. I have teens so my list can get a little sporty: My favorite: Scott Pilgrim Vs The World... Chicken Parm's not vegan? Others: 5th Element Holes Green Mile Shawshank Redemption Airplane Superbad (need to be older) Borat (need to be older) Napoleon Dynamite Animal House Grandmas Boy (need to be older) Zoolander Terminator Matrix Jaws Vacation
  6. I'd love to see that chart... I've had brkb forever... always seemed to closely match S&P over any significant period of time. Sure they could be up vs SPY for a month or so, then the opposite. I am not an active investor so I didn't follow it closer than ever 6 months or so I'd see how things are going. I know I was hoping brkb would pop comming out of 2008 but it didn't seem to happen to a greater extent than the market. The bigger they are the harder it is to beat the market by any meaningful %
  7. pics of wife's larger staubs?
  8. I used to think that way. They under/same perform SPY pretty consistently. I may be wrong, but consistently beating the market is NOT something that happens with any frequency & consistency.
  9. I did ok with SAVE ... they are really good at revenue extraction. But they are really more like flying bus service.
  10. You know how to make a small fortune in the Airline Business?
  11. In Georgia's case that's usually 5* talent... that gets squandered
  12. Fantastic read... if you like slow motion horror The U.S. was beset by denial and dysfunction as the coronavirus raged https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2020/04/04/coronavirus-government-dysfunction/?arc404=true
  13. Can you be more specific? Seriously, I can't think of a single state that was "locking down" that was too soon. It's a pay now or pay later type of thing.... Has any state or country been able to just ignore the virus and be unaffected?
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