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Theo Aquacates

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Everything posted by Theo Aquacates

  1. I’d kill over there too.
  2. Well, you keep fucking responding to me, egging me on. Maybe just ignore me like the rest of the SJW cucks.
  3. Can’t believe you are getting distracted from the Sopranos to fuck around with me. Best show of all time.
  4. Thanks, I will keep posting. I really don’t give a fuck about what you think. This is entertainment and if I get under your skin this easily then toughen the fuck up.
  5. What have you been doing yourself?😂 Negging every single one of my posts. You just sitting down waiting for me to post something?? Sounds sus to me
  6. I’m sorry, do I have to run my fucking questions through you first? Mind your fucking business.
  7. I’m doing no crowd sourcing. I’ll work my way back.
  8. My father was killed in a car accident when I was 6
  9. I don’t feel bad because I don’t give a fuck about a thread talking sports. This is entertainment to me, for these other losers it’s all they have left after their third and fourth divorces.
  10. I’m a loudmouth kid. I can fucking talk all day.
  11. I’m like Herb Brooks; hate me so you have less time to hate each other. Beat the damn Soviets!🤘🏼
  12. Shut your country ass up, bitch
  13. To ally your fears, there is literally zero downside to adding Cutcliffe to the staff, and it could possibly (no guarantee) help us land Arch. Thats it, nothing more, nothing less. This might have been the most informative post yet. Thanks for that.
  14. Ctj’s little yes men minions are out to serve their dear leader. Fucking pathetic from a bunch of grown ass men.
  15. My dude, what the fuck are you even talking about??😂 I just stated the fact that I am unfamiliar with this coach. How does that make me proud of my ignorance? I posed the damn question to get more information on a coach I know nothing about.
  16. Make sure to keep checking in on those “sources” you have, you fucking loser.
  17. Ok, ctj or whoever the fuck you are. Enjoy feeling like a badass in a thread full of 50 year old dads. I’m sure if I saw you in person you’d scurry away like the keyboard warrior you are.
  18. Apparently so. Good little online scrap today, boys!🤘🏼 Next time I’ll make sure to finish the autobiography of every single college coach before posing a question.
  19. Nothing to fight about here but I guess a simple question really fucked some people’s afternoon up.
  20. Maybe you’re 80 if you sign in every time you open this site.
  21. Some of you dumb fuckers clearly didn’t read my original post where I posed the question. Nothing cunty about it until that douche wanted to give me lip. Sorry I’m not aware of a coach that was Peyton Manning’s OC before I was even born.
  22. Do research on college football coaches? The fuck I look like, some dork that works at ESPN? God forbid you ask a fucking question on this board. We cheer for the same team, asshole. Lighten up.
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