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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Thanks Slippin' Jimmy.
  2. Another great juxtaposition - Kim:Jimmy::Papa Varga:Nacho. They both chose unwisely.
  3. She killed her daughter. I oppose the death penalty. We need to stop letting Kim Kardashian run our justice system.
  4. That was the point of the weird opening - the glass shard. Yes the blue flower seems to be Nacho's headstone.
  5. Cup of coffee with the Bucs, right?
  6. If only poor guy had known Mike already took papa off the table.
  7. Unfortunately, hate crimes by African Americans on Asian Americans has been pretty frequent during the last few years.
  8. If "silence if violence" seems like actual death threats might be out of bounds but alas ...
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/about-the-post/#ownership
  10. I think you guys are right - otherwise it does not make sense. I'll put my $5 on Saul weasels out of getting caught somehow and leaves Kim holding the bag, which splits their relationship and lands her disbarred and in the pokey.
  11. I'll admit I never really connected the dots about why Saul needed to run. Maybe i falsely assumed that he at least got close to the edge but was smart enough to not cross any legal or cartel lines, but I guess it is naive to think he could play the innocent bystander on either front. However, anyone recall what specifically he did that might have gotten the ire of either LE or the cartel?
  12. It would not take McKinsey to figure out that hardly anyone watches CNN so fewer people will pay to watch CNN.
  13. Howard always has seemed like a good, stand-up dude. Every employee is going to have petty grievances, but don't recall him doing anything worth some massive plot. I think Jimmy and Kim both have that personality that always seem to project their failures onto others.
  14. Wasn't it Kodak, and it did not want to cannibalize its lucrative film development and related chemicals business?
  15. That was my first thought sitting through another meeting with McKinsey 20-year-old morons.
  16. What movie is that from? Ms. KettleTits is quite fetching.
  17. The weird Kim-Jimmy scam on Howard-Cliff isn't really landing with me. I guess I need to re-watch last season to get the background, but at this point I'd take more cartel-Nacho-Fring and less Kim-Jimmy.
  18. Man, that's brilliant. I mean it takes a rare intellect to figure out the RUSSIA only invades sovereign nations whenTrump is in office because he promises no response.
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