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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Muhammad Raping Children you're right. Russia invades Crimea and Ukraine while Trump looked the other way. It was only the strength projected by Biden that stopped the Russian incursions.
  2. Let's all rest easy knowing Captain Catsup is REPORTING FOR DUTY! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10548307/John-Kerry-urges-Putin-help-fight-CLIMATE-CHANGE-Russia-bulldozes-Ukraine.html
  3. The key is voting for a guy like Trump that ignores while our enemies invade Ukraine and Crimea and does absolutely nothing stop it. When Trump was in office, Russia invaded sovereign nations. Only when Obama and Biden were in office was he kept in check.
  4. I know - the Keysrone XL pipeline hauls Gatorade to water our crops.
  5. Retard - I just acknowledged he let Russia take Crimea and Ukraine and did nothing.
  6. Dude he totally took Ukraine because Trump just let him. He knew Biden would stand up to him and fight!
  7. Definitely Trump.
  8. This is not the Justin Castro thread.
  9. Of course he didn't contain Russia. He just bent over while Putin took Crimea and Ukraine.
  10. Sack is a dumbass. I mean Trump let Putin take Crimea and Ukraine while he was president. Could It be more obvious he's in Putin's pocket? Biden did as he promised, stood up to Putin, and prevented Russia from invading another sovereign nation. Putin knows the adults are in charge and won't just let him invade other nations without real consequences.
  11. McCarthy is right. That's why Trump let Putin take Crimea and Ukraine without a whimper of resistance ... he probably sent a mean tweet but I don't remember.
  12. Not to mention Trump cancelled the KeystoneXL pipeline and made the US dependent on Russian oil and approved the Nord Stream pipeline to make Europe dependent on Russia. I mean Trump helped Putin fund his invasion.
  13. You guys want to start a pool on which Hunter Biden painting Putin will hang in the Capitol? He probably has 1,000 so it will be tough.
  14. Come on man. That's total bullshit. Mueller told us Trump is a Russian catspaw, and the evidence is front of us. In the four years Trump was in office he let Putin take Crimea and Ukraine and did nothing but cancel one of his Visas.
  15. Wife got me watching it with here. I had read about the story, maybe listened to a podcast. Two episodes in, and it's been pretty good ... but does seems like not enough meet to make a series, might have been a better movie. Captain Obvious, but still can't wrap my head around the fact she was able to pull it off.
  16. That's basically propaganda's version of community theater.
  17. While I missed most of the history, some of the veterans filled me in on the backstory of crazy. But kudos to her if she is actually out there trying to get smarter about the real world, which is probably more than 99% of the morons elected to city councils have done across the country.
  18. Kudos to you. That's a calling. Your kids and their parents are blessed to have you.
  19. It's so much worse moving, making noises.
  20. Some do. I've known parents of different demographics that moved for their schools, but obviously it is easier for wealthier folks to have that mobility. But parental engagment is such a huge factor - not necessarily at the school level per se but supporting their kids, making them study, behave, etc. I agree teachers can be too easy and too oft targets, but I stand by my earlier comment around dramatical hysterics.
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