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Harrison Bergeron

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Everything posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. Says the girl that screams "Donald" when a dude explodes in her ass.
  2. Because every accusation is a confession: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.dcd.235638/gov.uscourts.dcd.235638.35.0_1.pdf
  3. This has become an unbearable Hollywood circle jerk sprinkled with
  4. I'm glad I skipped this POS ... seems unbearable.
  5. I'm surprised they put on the Chain Smokers without a trigger warning or fuzzing "smoking."
  6. "I believe their preferred pronoun is "long live rock." And You are sounding awfully awesome-phobic."
  7. Basically in the parking lot planter right across from the shop.
  8. I was in town last week when I realized I was near the area so might swing by (never been). Looked up the address at Starbucks and what do you know, right across the street.
  9. Not to mention Rogan actively opposed racial integration of schools, was close friends with a Klan leader for decades, has a 40-year record of racist comments, was publicly called a racist by his partner, and only major legislative accomplishment led to the record incarceration of African Americans ... and was the original vax skeptic.
  10. I am just disappointed I cannot turn over my health care and other key life decisions to these folks!
  11. IDs, math, punctuality, tests ... now fucking car registrations.
  12. aggy dental hygienists school.
  13. Also in the "not watching" category. Primarily because of China's genocide and generally human rights atrocities and our corporations shameless selling their souls to China for profit. Also not helped by the time zone, no in-person broadcast, and I could not name a single U.S. or international Olympian to save my life.
  14. You're right. I forgot that we did not have mask recommendations or mandates but N95 recommendations and mandates. Thanks for clarifying. You're right, I was able to find two years worth of clips showing no one recommended so-called "masks" but N95s. Appreciate you standing up for not making shit up.
  15. The series was simple, fun entertainment. While Reacher seems to be a pretty two-dimensional character, the sidekicks carried the movie. The dynamics between Reacher and Finlay and Reacher and Neagley were some of the best parts of the show. It was refreshing to have the bad guys have a simple motive - GREED - vs. some complicated, overwrought motives. And the Venezuelans and the Klinger cousin giving him all he could handle was refreshing. For bookfags, does Child ever go into a little detail about Reacher's backstory and motivation, or is it pretty straightforward: for whatever reason guy just likes wandering around the country.
  16. Agreed. I think one of the more obvious mistakes our public health leaders have made is to discuss everything in absolutes. The mortality risk is clearly driven by several factors, age clearly #1 and obesity #2. Similarly around masks acting like a two-year old "Sexy Mama" cloth math from Wal-Mart is as effective as an N95 ... at least people finally are acknowledging that Fauci was correct day one. I would speculate this has had some unintended consequences: The people on the poles are probably not going to change their behavior The people in the middle who take the time to look at data start to scratch their heads and start to question what they're being told
  17. Two episodes in and love it. Reacher and Finley are my new favorite buddy cop duo.
  18. I blame surly. As others have noted, thinking about it for many makes it worse, and I swear I had a mild case that became worse when I found this thread. I went to the ENT. I had a hole in my eardrum, which make have caused it. The hole closed, but the tinnitus remains - and it comes and goes. Here is what my doctor said: People do not actually get tinnitus per se - ears constantly ring for everyone, but in most people your brain causes you to ignore it, so when you hear ringing it is your brain no longer "hiding" it from you It is the body's defensive mechanism to let you know something is wrong with your ears - at evolutionary development to let the caveman know "you're hearing in this ear isn't great so watch out for the Sabretooth tiger growl" He did recommend an OTC - I took 60 days of it, but it did not seem to do much He said caffeine can exacerbate it, so I have been weaning myself off coffee and Cokes or at least drinking much less Definitely said thinking about it makes it worse, and my experience bears that out He seemed to downplay out noises as being the causes, but if loud noises blow an ear drum then there could be the connection There are some therapies - but they're very expensive - where basically a device attempts to trick your brain into re-ignoring it Best of luck. Mine goes from I forget about it to annoying, and it definitely seems like constant online calls with headphones do not help.
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