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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 1 minute ago, henrygandorf said:

    iirc, he didn't shoot the sheriff to solve the darlene problem.  he knew there was a darlene problem, but i think this was coincidental.  he shot the sheriff because he saw him snooping around helen's house and knew she was dead and figured he didn't want that getting around.

    This. Javi is playing checkers.

  2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/09/13/americas-most-dangerous-dog-breeds-infographic/?sh=408ddc662f8b


    Pit Bulls clock in at #1 with 284. Rottweilers at #2 with 45.

    I don't judge the guy because I do not know what I would have done in that situation (okay I 100% would not have a gun on me), but seems like he had an itchy trigger finger ... could have at least attempted to run back inside - you cannot see from the video but seems like he saw the dog coming and could have at least tried to get inside and given the dog a chance, and #noexpert but was not obvious the dog was attacking him. Guessing there might be some simmering neighbor beef going on.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 3 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Would that be similar to using the filibuster 300+ times in the Trump era but now claiming the filibuster is Jim Crow 2.0?

    Or is that different?


    • Hook 'Em 2
  4. 20 minutes ago, wild_turkey said:

    I was getting burned out on the constant absurdity of this show back in season 3. Based on the comments here, it only gets worse and I should probably pass on season 4.

    It's pretty silly. The cartel guys who ruthless kill law enforcement for no reason and long-time associates somehow give the Byrde's nine lives for no apparent reason other than Wendy's angry twat and Marty's indecisive vagina.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. I sort of agree with everyone's sentiments. The show is ridiculous but still better than most of the crap out there. I bailed originally during season two because it got so ridiculous, but I re-started because rona. I guess it is too lifelike as there really are no good characters, no one to cheer for.


    Agent Miller was the only likable character, but after her little stunt not sure anymore. And it was a little hard to buy her silly "living in a unfurnished dump in Jeff City" routine. I mean she's not making cartel money, but with federal FBI experience she could afford a decent place.

    And of course it is pretty unbelievable how magically the Byrde's seem to navigate and escape situations that have killed better smarter, more clever, more connected people. They uniquely can survive the cartel, the Langmores, the Snells, the FBI, local law enforcement, the KC mob? And kind of hard to buy-into how the bad guys suddenly act in uncharacteristic ways to save them. Felt like the writers just threw everything in the blender.


    The weird storyline about the foundation and the senator seemed anachronistically silly post-Jan. 6. #noCR Not sure it's acceptable these days for TV shows to tout fraudulent election conspiracies.


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