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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 5 hours ago, Liquor and Poker said:

    A bit of a CSB, but also a bit of a weird Covid thing.  Wife and I had horrible cases of food poisoning last week.  Sunday and Monday are a total blur of Exorcist-level projectile vomiting and worse.  Highish (103) fever, chills, extreme fatigue, body aches, extreme headaches, etc. Sickest I personally have ever been in my life. 

    But then the kids (15 yo) got it on Tuesday and Wednesday (about 3-4 after us), even though  they didn’t share a meal with us in the relevant time. Christmas was fantastic for them.  Kids opening presents laying on the bathroom floor and that sort of thing. 

    And, 10 days in, the wife and I still have intermittent low-grade fever and fatigue during the day.  Kids have periods of extreme fatigue but no fever we’ve seen.  

    Weirder still, my 74 yo MIL who lives with us has no symptoms still - despite lots of contact immediately prior to illness, especially with the kids. 

    So my doc made us go in and take a Covid test at our day 4 when the kids got sick.  Negative.  Kids took home tests.  Negative. Same for day 7.  But he still suspects Covid.  

    Wife’s doc, who practices at the same place, has all but said that’s not possible. It’s a norovirus, albeit a worse one than usual. But before the kids got sick she was also equally adamant that it was absolutely foodborne.

    My doc has thought Covid basically from the jump.  He says in a month I will show positive for N antibodies and he will be vindicated.  Neighbor who is a epidemiologist feels like my guy is probably right. 

    So I am never coming in contact with anyone else ever again.  But has anyone else ever seen symptom profile like this from Covid?

    My wife had the exact same experience in May. We went to my kid's banquet, and she thought she had food poisoning. She had bad food poisoning for several days. She ultimately tested positive for Covid and had a really bad case. Don't know if it was related or bad luck. 

  2. On 12/24/2021 at 9:55 AM, BabaYaga said:

    Funny how all the playoff and NYE bowl teams haven’t had many Covid concerns….

    Nor has any team in a stable situation ... the experts told us last year covid selective impacts depending on what you're doing, so apparently this new variant only strikes teams with new coaches, high transfer numbers, lots of opt-outs or injuries, and other epidemiological issues.

    • Hook 'Em 4
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  3. On 12/27/2021 at 6:23 AM, Randolph Duke said:

    Texas A&M continues upward enrollment trend while Blinn sees decline


    Texas A&M reported 73,283 total students across the university’s campuses in College Station, Galveston, Qatar and the Health Science Center. In College Station specifically, there were 67,133 students with undergraduates accounting for 53,876 of that total.”


    ”This is an increase of 10.2% and 6.4%, respectively, over fall 2020’s freshman class enrollment.”


    “We’re not trying to grow enrollment dramatically or anything like that,” Joseph Pettibon, vice president for enrollment and academic services told The Eagle in September. “But the intent is targeted and planned growth in some areas.””

    Shifting enrollment between junior colleges seems like a #winning.

  4. <CSBwarning>

    Listening to sports talk yesterday it continues to be funny having aggy and others called out for "conveniently having a covid outbreaks" that correspond with losing coaches, players to the portal, injuries, etc. Guy called aggy (and others) out for using rona as an excuse to shirk having to get pummeled in a bowl and how that really screws over fans who bought (often non-refundable) hotels, plane tickets, bowl tickets, etc.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Nice Guy Eddie said:

    In terms of “over-reporting of numbers” there is an element that if you’re already hospitalized (or in the process of being admitted) for something else and you’re tested positive for covid, I assume that you will be reported as a Covid patient. But you’re usually admitted for something serious and I would assume there is a decent and unknown element when Covid is added to the mix. Not to mention that you’re most likely placed in an area meant for Covid positive patients AND you’re there for something else as well. You basically become one of the toughest and vulnerable patients, so I don’t see how anyone should complain if the hospital reports that as a Covid positive patient. 

    I agree, but there is nuance, and unfortunately in today's 'murica our professional and amateur screamers are incapable of having a detailed, nuanced discussion of data and facts. You're never going to hear a talking head on TV or someone screaming on twatter make that point.

    As noted above, hospitalization data is based on claims not reasons for admittance. Practically, if a person comes to the hospital with chest pains, there is no way to capture that only what the hospital treats (i.e., bills) in ICD-10. That's why we always will see a lot of patients hospitalized for gunshot wounds, car wrecks, etc., who happen to have covid-19 and therefore will be reported as a covid hospitalization. Now some places have tried to do some audits and get a finer POV, but medical claims data is notoriously tough to deal with for myriad reasons. Same goes with deaths. We'll probably never have a truly accurate count on either regard.

  6. 11 hours ago, Skipper said:

    I mean except for the fact that pretty much everyone knows and sees people regularly they care about in all of the above categories.  I'm not concerned with my individual COVID risk.  But it makes me a little more self aware about who we come into contact with.    It would also be nice if our kids Pre-K classroom isn't immediately shut down after Christmas break with COVID cases.   And even with what we hope is a milder variant hospitalizations will inevitably rise along with case count which isn't good for anyone otherwise needing medical care.  So I pretty much disagree the number of cases is irrelevant.  

    Exactly. My worry about covid personally does not change with case counts nor does my behavior around vaccinated people. The school stuff has to drive you crazy ... I mean a kid in Pre-K has a greater risk of getting struck by lightening than dying of covid-19.

    • Fuck You 1
  7. The obsession with cases is weird. What matters is mortality and hospitalization rates. We have a pretty good, consistent data at this point:

    • If you believe the vaccines work (assuming you're vaccinated), it is irrational be be scared
    • If you're younger than 60, it is irrational to be scared
    • If you're not morbidly obese, it is irrational to be scared

    It seems like is parts of the Idiocracy twitterverse, there is some virtue signaling about having not gotten it, i.e. you were a good little girl and stayed inside and wore your 100 masks. Now these people are getting it and feel like they've become heretics in the covid cult.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Crapinon said:

    Everyone in the SEC hates us cause they're skeered of our awesomeness. We're no longer a sleeping giant, recruiting class and $$$ prove that were about to pass Bama. Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo! We're the only team that can control tu when they join the SEC and try to destroy it and the other SEC teams are too stupid to realize it. Espin and the college football media is in on it too. LOL



    PS It's all Sandusky's fault!

    So I can sleep at night I am going to imagine the guy writing that was just cleaning a lawyer's house during the CLE webinar and actually did not graduate from 8T4 law school or any law school for that matter.

  9. 6 hours ago, Axle Hongsnort said:

    Pretty sure you are referring to me, so fuck off you illiterate cunt, if not, have a delightful evening.

    If you're a dumbass who doesn't quarantine when she has a 102-degree fever, then I'm talking to you. If you're not, then I'm not. Regardless, I might suggest anger management classes for hubby's sake.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  10. 5 hours ago, Buzzrock said:

    It’s ripping through all my social circles. One group of 17 went to a concert last Saturday, 12 ended up positive (all vaxxed). I had cold like symptoms for a few days but starting to feel normal again. I have a feeling I’ll be pretty close to fine tomorrow. My doctor said they were inundated this past week.

    All the hysterics need to read this slowly as many times as it takes the dots to connect and the lightbulb to go off.

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