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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 1 hour ago, B00M said:

    King is so undersized you knew he had no chance of surviving the SEC SEC SEC. He didn't even make it past Colorado before he got ragdolled. Dude might be Sunbelt ready

    Having watched him a bunch in high school, he never seemed like an elite QB. His performance dropped off his senior year after his favorite receiver graduated.

    • Hook 'Em 2
    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Ghost of LL said:

    The headlines on their website are completely different, but the headlines in the Austin American-Statesman have been hilarious.

    On Tuesday, it was "Auto Executive Accused in Deaths" over a picture of a wrecked car.  The implication being that a car dealer had sold a piece of shit car that had killed someone.  Or perhaps he had gotten drunk and hit another car.  Not that he had hired a fucking hitman to kill two people.

    On Wednesday, it was "Indictment Details Allegations Against Local Man."  No shit--you couldn't get a more generic headline if you tried.

    I can only assume it's because Charles Maund is a big advertiser or some shit.

    Following precedent and AP Style.

    • Haha 1
  3. Here is my PSA for driving in the event we get winter weather - probably most applicable to Austin and Dallas. Part of why we have road chaos with snow and ice:

    • 40% of drivers are Southerners scared shitless and drive 20 MPH on the highways
    • 60% of drivers are Yankees that think we have northern street clearing / salting capability and drive 60 MPH on the highways


  4. Because surly ...

    - Dumbass misspelled the name of the school in the tweet ... it's GADSEN State ... it's not like there are several examples in the fucking photo

    - That honkey is going to a traditionally black junior college ... someone should show that coach King Richard

    - /CSB Trigger Warning


    My first fake ID was from Gadsen, Ala. ... product of the great Vikon Village in Garland ... made it four years and lost it in Padre my senior year


  5. 16 hours ago, Johnny Sack said:

    It's why I scream from the rooftops about school shootings.  99.9 percent of the people in this country thinks that kids in school are at far greater risk from getting murdered at school by a gun than they were 30 years ago.  It isn't true.  Statistically the gun homicide rate in schools was a third of what it was 30 years ago.  Yes, in 1991-92, a kid was three times more likely to get shot and killed while at school than today.  But no one can believe it because now we have media and social media that ignore data and sensationalize everything.

    Are you implying that there are a bunch of misinformed idiots screaming hysteria on social media and that their positions are not supported by data? Surely you jest.


  6. On 12/14/2021 at 6:58 PM, shadow_operative said:

    ive given my thoughts and answers to these questions in my OP. climate change and its impact on the global economy is my biggest fear re: the dissolution of the USA as we know it, and i've stated that i'm open to/looking for all other thoughts and opinions on the subject. i'm now ready to amend that statement to say that i've crossed off "everything is fine, the media is just tricking you" from my list of things that i'm open to exploring and discussing.


  7. 41 minutes ago, utxmike05 said:

    I think season 3 was pretty solid all the way thru...dealing with Beck Brothers, Militia, Market Equities, Wade Morrow, and those bikers.  Lot of attacks and revenge in that season.   

    Season 3 is what gave the show a lot more buzz and people started watching (going back to beginning).  

    Season 4 is just meh.  Are Duttons just going to forget about Jaime's talk with the prisoner who set up the hit on them?  Have they even asked him about what he found out.  Guess they really want Jaime and Dad to be the new villians.

    That's what my buddy thinks - setting up a Jamie vs. Duttons showdown.

    I have not really tracked with why John has completely ostracized Jamie and continues to just fuck him over for no reason. Does he not realize Jamie knows where the bodies are buried? WTF wouldn't he just get behind Jamie for governor ... that would have caused Jamie to dump bio-dad and go all in for the Yellowstone, but Beth + John's pride too much of a siren. Seems like Jamie has done nothing but be a loyal solider even though he always gets treated like crap by everyone but Kacey.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  8. 3 hours ago, Helobious said:

    I’m still in my 20s. I remember growing up reading and and thinking that overpopulation would really do the US & the whole world in. Now it looks like that is very unlikely to happen, and it actually seems more likely that the opposite is going to be a problem in the future. So that’s one win at least? 

    Malthus, Ehrlich, Gore Jr. ... climate hysterics are matched only by fringe Protestant preachers in their predictions of the end of the world and the related batting averages.

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