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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. https://nypost.com/2021/12/09/mom-48-stole-daughters-identity-to-date-younger-guys/?sr_share=facebook&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPFacebook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

    A Missouri mama is facing jail time after she admitted to stealing her estranged daughter’s identity in order to secure student loans, enroll in college — and pursue her sexy co-ed fantasies.

    Laura Oglesby, 48, posed as her daughter, Lauren Hays, for more than two years in an elaborate scam that fooled both the federal government and locals in the small town of Mountain View.

    In 2016, Oglesby applied for a Social Security card in Hays’ name, which she promptly received in the mail.

    From that point on, Oglesby — who originally hailed from Arkansas and was then age 43 — assumed her daughter’s identity, saying her name was Lauren Hays and that she was only 22 years old.


  2. 1 hour ago, Lobo said:

    I shaved my whole body and tapered my ass off for weeks to qualify for IHSA state in swimming almost 30 years ago.  I thought I was dedicated.  

    This person cut their dick off?  NOW That's fucking dedication.  Could you swim with one of those dick harnesses that actors use to keep their junk tucked up during sex scenes?  I would think that would make you pretty aerodynamic.  

    Either science matters or it doesn't.  You don't get to pick and choose which science you believe.  This Thomas swimmer person has inherent biological advantages that the swimmers they compete against don't have, even with switched genitalia.  

    Having said that, do I give a single, solitary fuck about this issue which affects about 19 people nationwide?  No, I do not.  If you are trans or want to change genders/sexes, have at it.  I wish you all the legal protection I can help muster and God loves you no matter what.  Am I terribly worried about your "rights" to break legit swimming records against women competition?  I'm lying if I say I am.  But have at it, sports and military does have a way of bringing attention to social issues in a way that straight up political or religious debate never could.  So I wish you the best of luck, unless some male-turned-female swimmer takes a scholarship spot from my daughter who wants to swim at UT-Austin one day.  Then I'm turning into Evil Aunt Becky.  

    That's the perfect response. Every person that is "pro-transgender athletes" will change positions the moment they are impacted. I think the solution is simple: get rid of the entire concept of "transgender," which I honestly do not even know the definition. And we should apply the standard that some pullout during abortion debates - the folks that have the only right to comment on the issue are female athletes.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 24 minutes ago, High Plains Drifter said:

    pretty interesting article written in The Atlantic in 1946

    Basically supports the views expressed above that the invasion of the Jap homeland would have been far worse than two atomic bombs.


    Generally, I think it is a fool's errand trying to apply today's ethical standards on the past.

    And I shake out where most people do. Dropping the bombs were horrible and an unconscionable civilian tragedy. However, given option B the best decision. In the Japanese cultural-psychological context of the time, a Japanese invasion would have been worse for both parties. Likely ends in tens of thousands of Allied casualties and millions of Japanese civilian deaths by bombs, starvation, etc. The bombs were as a psychological weapon more than a military one. 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. I never saw the the anime version ... I'm an OG anime guy, so I guess I was too old for CB.

    I loved this show but too was disappointed in Faye's relative frumpiness ... lots of opportunities for some hotness with her or Julia.

    Apparently all the CB fanboys hate it - I was surprised by the heavy negative reviews. Shakir was amazing.

  5. 22 minutes ago, GTX Horn said:

    Why the fuck would you venture over to their political board for Sugar Bowl talk? Those idiots give TexAgs a run for their money with regards to how outright stupid and delusional they are.


    Same reason I go to the CR ... sometimes its fun to see what the crazies are outraged about today ... only difference despite the poles it they seem more tolerant of diversity.


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  6. 11 minutes ago, sheeeit said:

    I hear this a lot but just completely disagree.  On 12/6/41 and before, there was deep disagreement about the war.  Even after Pearl there was still opposition to the war.  The opposition post Pearl was much smaller but it existed.  There were near constant marches and protests in DC at the time, but no one really heard about them nationally.  The difference is that in 1941 the crazies did not have a voice.  The media, as it existed at the time, would rarely, if ever, give anti american voices a platform.  But there were just as many extremists on each side of the political spectrum then as there are now. 

    Perspective is really hard at times.  We all saw mass protests and looting/burning etc in Portland.  Seemed like the whole city was taken over.  At its absolute peak there were about 1000 people involved.  That represented .15% of the population of Portland.  Crazies like Antifa, Proud Boys etc garner an oversized and undeserved percentage of news coverage in today's world but represent an almost statistically insignificant number of people.  Obviously small groups can do great damage but they do not represent the actual morals and values of 99% of the country.

    If the US was directly attacked in some fashion where the actual fate of the country was at stake I firmly believe there would be millions of citizens lining up to fight.  

    I pray you are correct.

  7. Has anyone ever heard of this and can translate in English? It is some sort of conspiracy based on temporary buildings built for the Worlds Fairs. I thought I had seen it all:


    In 2020 Klaus Schwab of the The World 'Economic Forum' "as-a-matter-of-factly" claims a decision has been made by the World's Elites to "Reset" the world's entire economic and social system -- and there's nothing to stop it. Schwab even wrote a book about the plan.

    The current "Reset" also interestingly includes re-programming the citizenry to reconsider and accept total revisions AND deletions of our past and present traditions, history, and accomplishments; Which bring us to 1893.

    Chicago World's Fair 1893 presentation

    This YouTube presentation by Jon Levi ('Beginning Our History') turns to the Chicago Worlds Fair of 1893, questioning and challenging the "official" narrative that explains to us that over 200 buildings (including very high tech for the time) were built just for the fair -- and said to be ONLY "temporary" -- then torn down within years of the Chicago Worlds Fair. Does this make any sense?

    Similar coincidental stories within an approximate 30-year period besides Chicago, 1893 (of lightning-quick construction / lightning-quick tear-downs OR fire) are also told of World Fairs and 'Expositions' held across a pre-Automobile America -- in St Louis (1904), Buffalo (1901), San Francisco (1915) and New Orleans (1884).

    This begs the question:

    How easily and often in the past have The Elites lied to us? Is it possible there have been several so-called historical "Resets" (to both minor AND major degrees?) For instance, were both "World War I and II cover for "Resets"? The American 'Civil War'? 911? (The COVID Pandemic is obvious).

    Were the incredible 'Roman-Greco /Baroque' style architectural buildings located at Chicago's 1893 World's Fair (as well as in other older American cities and towns) the possible evidence of a past hidden history and civilization? Many things we are told about the founding of America and the historical narrative just simply do not add up if we examine the past and present architecture (what's left of it).

    This presentation and theory is provocative. Some will reject it outright without watching; Others could well find plenty of food for thought. It does appear more than plausible than not that American "history" is not be what we've been told. Given the Elites' past and (especially) present tendency for complete power & control -- to say nothing of their collective audacity and arrogance.

    Linked YouTube Video: 



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