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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. 18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I feel like this is one of those stories where however it turns out, we lose. If we don’t get him, we lose. If we do, he’ll turn out to be a head case.

    I came to post a similar POV. IMHO, these primadonnas are the types that have slowly sunk the program during the past decades. It's a big red flag when a kid enters the portal as a true freshmen not to mention all the NIL crap. You win with football players not rivals rankings. This guy feels more like Garrett Gilbert than Colt McCoy or The Major.


    The kid that made the XII Championship winning tackle and has played more games for Baylor than anyone was a walkon.


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  2. 13 hours ago, BachelorTrek said:

    More info in a new article linked to that one, that's from yesterday (Dec 5, 2021):


    I'm not tracking with the FBI's excuse around privacy. As I had understood it, if you're in the system you're in the system. Not obvious to me why the FBI would be unwilling to test DNA found at a crime scene against the different DNA databases.


  3. 31 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

    Can you remind me why he is saddled with her?  I can't remember what the trade off was, but at this point, if it doesn't land Larry in prison, seems like he should just rip the bandage off.  

    Guy tried to rob Larry's house and fell in his pool because there was no fence around it. Irma's dad was the robber's brother and threatened to sue Larry ... settlement was Irma in Larry's show.

  4. 4 hours ago, El Diablo said:

    One of the victims in the KFC murders left behind a preggers gf. I'm friends with the son that they had. Small world. As you might imagine the kid has been interested in the case over the years and followed it closely. It's been especially painful as it dragged on for so long and he was well into his 20's when it was finally, for the most part, resolved. He opposes the death penalty so was satisfied with the sentences handed down. 

    Small world II. I bought my very first iPod from him. I talked to him online for a little bit back in 2003. I'm glad he's found some peace. I can imagine how difficult it is not only losing a father but also in such a tragic, public way. IIRC his dad was the one that was not actually supposed to be there but took his bike up there to pick up another buddy and just offered to help clean up / close.

    Another terrible part of the case was the idiot prosecutor just casually announcing in court in 2013(?) that one victim had been raped - and she had not briefed the family so this was literally the first time her widower and children had heard this. They seemed to have had a very happy, classic small town marriage, and I do not believe he ever re-married. The DNA from the assault is the third perp that has not been identified.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 38 minutes ago, mininghorn88 said:

    Lloyd picked Walker up after the fight and appeared to give him a pat on the back. Could they be “all good” now?

    That's what I took. Lloyd got it out of his system and won - the buckle bunnies are gone.

  6. Can someone please explain the why anyone would want to do this? Like @Pato del Muerto, I'm trying to wrap my head around one's ability to insure an offering / money in a safe. What would be the point of stealing $10,000, insuring it, but never spending the original money? It is not like Osteen or the church seems to be hurting for money.

    I just can't find the motive of why anyone would do this - at some point someone is going to need to go get the money again ... not exactly easy just to go rebuild the bathroom and not get noticed (as the story proves). Why leave the money in the men's room? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. On 12/5/2021 at 9:44 AM, Bozo_Casanova said:

    So, think of it this way: it’s possible that Omicron is mild because it picked up a snippet of the coronavirus that causes the common cold. So vacxed people can catch it but don’t get very sick. Good for us.  

    So let’s say it goes everywhere, including into an unvaccinated person who can’t clear it and stays sick. 

    So let’s say they sit in the hospital for a while. While there, they are exposed to another very lethal but not very tranmissible strain. And it kills them. But before it does, they produce a hybrid that is both highly lethal and  and highly effective at immune escape. And they give it to a nurse, who gives it to 3 people, and they each give it to 3 people.


    This isn’t just possible. This is as likely as it getting milder.

    Except this is not how viral transmission works. They virtually always get more transmissible and less deadly. It's called evolution. So let's say stick to science.

    • Like 1
  8. <Trigger Warning>

    Rant about convoluted SARS-CoV-2 responses / policy:

    • My sainted mother is in pain and is trying to get to an out-of-town doctor tomorrow (Tuesday)
    • She's been vaxxed and boosted
    • The doctor's office requires a precisely timed negative PCR Covid-19 test to come to the office that must be no more than 72 hours old but results must be to the office by 3 p.m. Monday
    • She goes to CVS early Saturday morning, gets tested - of course the promised 1-2-day deadline is missed, and she's going to have to reschedule and continue to suffer
    • She has no reason to believe she has covid-19, she's not exactly hitting bars and games every day, and she has zero symptoms

    What makes no sense:

    • I guess the doctor's office does not really believe the vaccines work
    • I guess the doctor's office does not really believe masks work

    Rant over.

    </Trigger Warning>

  9. 1 hour ago, morehornsepower said:

    Also agree.  I will add

    4. So done with Casey's wife (and have been for a long while).  No bitch, that girl isn't nearly whiney enough to be in your husband's weird wheelhouse.

    Perfect. Yeah, Kacey's wife has been an asswhip since the first season. I wanted Kacey to put her her in a cattle guard after she was jealous of the other Indian gal.

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    • Haha 1
  10. 13 hours ago, tx 3 putt said:

    if you have time to go inside, get a weapon, come back and re engage, then shoot someone <<<< no way in hell that's self defense

    if your life is in danger, keep your ass inside 

    This just seems like way too much common sense.

    I realize this is a practical comment vs. a legal one, but should there not be some weight to the fact that the guys know each other? From a common sense perspective, IMHO there is a big difference between someone you know vs. a stranger. If the guy feared for his life, go inside, get the gun if  you want, lock the door and call the cops. He might hate the guy, but he knows him and had a decent idea of his intentions for better or worse. I would have a little more sympathy if it was an erratic stranger, and one has no idea what his intentions, mental state, etc., could be; but this obviously was not the first conflict they had.

    • Hook 'Em 2
  11. 51 minutes ago, Lobo said:

    Yeah, but even with the crazies living in Austin...we're not quite that fucking stupid.  Yet. 

    So is there a working theory that somebody in law enforcement wound some guys up so tight they went and did these murders so as to cause a distraction from an internal investigation into sex rings involving local LEO's/county/state officers?  I'm honestly asking.  I've never really delved into this story having arrived in Austin shortly after it happened.  

    I've delved into some true crime stories inspired by the Kentucky Fried Chicken murders that happened in my home town when I was a kid. Those two cases have some common themes: ostensible robbery as motive combined with senseless murder of workers. The KFC case was supposedly solved, but there still is one perp unaccounted for (found his DNA at the scene, but it has not been identified). 

    I've never heard that theory about the Yogurt Shop Murders. I have read some about it but definitely not a deep details. That seems pretty dark even for the darkest cops. It is still frustrating with all the new DNA technology and money thrown away at LE budgets that there is not a more emphasis on funding new DNA on a bunch of these old cases.

    Back to the KFC case - hard for me to believe this guy raped and murdered someone in 1980 and never committed another crime (or none of his relatives did), i.e. his or his relatives DNA should be in the system. Same for the Yogurt Shop murders.

    With so many private companies now solving cases, the Travis County DA's office should just circumvent the FBI and use one of those firms.

  12. 22 minutes ago, Onboard 2.0 said:

    I gotta disagree, he took her ability to ever conceive away, and didn't tell her or give her the choice.  That's a huge thing, and at 16 you oughta know the ramifications of that move.

    Performing that procedure when it's life, and death is one thing, just doing it because you wanna protect the families name ?  Yeah can't agree with that one.

    It is clear whether he did it on purpose or just a stupid mistake? Unless he intentionally tricked her, feels like the only person she should be made at is herself. She probably subconsciously did it for killing mom and all her other baggage.

    Agree with most others:

    1. Done with cowboys fighting

    2. Done with Jimmy

    3. Beth's just pulled up behind the ski boat in Hawaii

  13. https://nypost.com/2021/12/02/woman-caught-breastfeeding-her-hairless-cat-on-a-delta-flight/?sr_share=facebook&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=SocialFlow&utm_source=NYPFacebook

    A woman who took a Delta flight recently wasn’t kitten around when she whipped out her breasts and started feeding her hairless cat.

    The unidentified female flew from Syracuse, NY, to Atlanta, GA, where she was caught breastfeeding her feline on the plane. A flight attendant told her repeatedly to stop and put her cat back in its cage, however, the woman refused.

    A message was sent through the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS) to alert Delta crew in Atlanta that a passenger in seat 13A “is breastfeeding a cat and will not put cat back in its carrier when [flight attendant] requested.”

    A photo of the message board was found on Reddit and was posted on Twitter by author Rick Wilson.

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