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Harrison Bergeron

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Posts posted by Harrison Bergeron

  1. On 11/12/2021 at 5:48 PM, Hefeweizen said:

    How many of the advocates for in person schooling overlap the anti mask anti vaccine crowd?  Because my kids would be fine with in person if chuckle heads would mask or vax.  But usually it’s neither.  So they’re not very happy about in person learning- and they are both straight  A students.  That’s just a regular brag.

    How many school-age kids have died from Covid-19?

  2. I think a guy crazy enough to try and pull off such a moronic stunt is the type of guy stupid enough to go to trial. If I recall, the Chicago DA tried to sweep it under the rug, but the state stepped in and appointed a special prosecutor. Juicy was too stupid to take a plea and get off the stage.

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. No words for this other than psychotic insanity. Clearly our police departments are doing a terrible job with cops mental health. No normal, sane person does this. Juxtapose with the discussion of California smash and grabs where many retailers are not stopping shoplifters at all, and this nut job says: "shoplifting? yeah, worthy of a death sentence." Unless the guy had a gun how could a dude in a Little Rascal be a real danger to anyone. WTF?

  4. 21 hours ago, Bravo said:

    Remember when NBC said it was all just a mix up when they had a journalist follow the jury bus? That was great. Body cam video is out and audio of cop talking to the producer makes it quite clear this was not just a mix up.  Shady as hell. You'll be shocked because even though the judge immediately banned NBC from the trial Snopes rated this as "unproven". 

    Surprisingly, Snopes actually updated it to True. I figured it would at least get a "lacks context" with a 1,000-word bloviation about the role of the media in ensuring democracy and fair trials or somesuch.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  5. 17 minutes ago, bschoolprof said:

    It's everywhere, along with other variants that we don't know about yet.  The good news is reports continue to indicate it leads to mild infections.   

    The hysterics seem to not fully line up with the data we have to date around the mortality rate of this strain. It's odd that so few "experts" seem to realize than most viruses as they mutate tend to increase in transmission and decrease in virility. We are used to dealing with ancient coronaviruses every year ...


    We call it the common cold


  6. https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/criminal-justice/ct-jussie-smollett-trial-day-three-20211201-pyfsnefqsjal5mgbypnbnvoh6i-story.html

    Abimbola Osundairo, who told police Jussie Smollett recruited him to stage a phony hate crime attack, has taken the stand at Smollett’s trial.

    Abimbola and his brother Olabinjo are expected to be crucial witnesses against Smollett. The brothers’ cooperation with police turned the “Empire” actor from the victim of a racist and homophobic attack into a suspected hoaxer. Smollett now faces felony charges of lying to police about the attack.

    Smollett’s defense, meanwhile, has painted the Osundairo brothers as criminals and opportunistic liars, perhaps motivated by homophobia.

    Abimbola Osundairo walked into court before 2:30 p.m. wearing a black turtleneck with a thin gold chain around his neck. He had a matching black and gold mask. A number of his supporters crowded the courtroom as his questioning began.

    Under questioning from prosecutor Dan Webb, Osundairo, who goes by the nickname “Bola,” said he became very close friends with Smollett, who pulled some strings to help him get a stand-in position on the “Empire” set.

    “I would call him my brother,” he said.

    Prosecutors have said it was Abimbola whom Smollett first contacted in January 2019 asking for help “on the low” in planning the hoax assault

    • Haha 1
    • Fuck You 1
  7. 3 hours ago, texasdago said:

    Somehow there is a lack of consistency in these statements.  

    I can tell you this... I mask in indoor places but damn if that mask didn't help on heavy pollen days last cedar season.

    No kidding. I primarily mask doing yard work.

    And you guys are right ... maybe I'm a little more judgey than I want to believe ... but I don't care who you are, a person alone in a car with a mask is just funny.

  8. On 11/22/2021 at 9:18 PM, GreenspointTexas said:

    Everything she said.


    May be Smiths best acting job, ever. Totally forget its him throughout the movie. Bernthal and the mom were also fantastic.


    Very good movie

    Everyone I know that has seen it echoed Smith's best performance.

  9. 1 hour ago, workswithseed said:

    I still see people wear masks in their vehicle by themselves. I judge.

    I admit occasionally I'll try and snap a pic and send to my buddies, but I laugh at 99% of the mask theatrics. But I don't judge them. We live in a world of disinformation, and I understand not every person has the time, desire, or ability to read past the tweets, talking heads, and headlines and absorb the details themselves.

  10. On 11/29/2021 at 4:15 PM, Pato del Muerto said:

    So I am insane and my life is at a standstill because I choose to not spend time indoors around a large group of people for any lengthy amount of time, such as a restaurant or movie theater?

    Do whatever works for your family. We've basically lived a normal life since May 2020. Traveled domestically and internationally. Been to myriad movies, concerts, sporting events and parties and eat out 2-3 times / week and hit the bars. Hangout with friends all the time. I don't judge anyone for making their personal choices. 

  11. <Captain Obvious Trigger Warning>


    I am struggling to understand how the economics of college athletics is sustainable. All this trickles down to schools without the major program revenue offering insane salaries.


    • Like 2
  12. 11 hours ago, Nicole44 said:

    @Judge Roybeanbag Seen your woodwork and it is amazing.

    Why are people fighting on this thread? 

    In high school, college and law school worked retail. During my marriage and divorce worked retail. It all boils down to one thing: is it ok to steal?  Depends? Is it groceries or what? It hurts all of the people that work there. Are there stats that will tell you something? Yes there are.  My point is it gets old. Teach your kids better. All I will say. To the progressives, yes their kids know better and were raised better. To the conservatives, be better about taking care of others. It is hard working retail, making shit money and watching people run out the door with stuff. and absolutely knowing you can do shit about it. 

    I had the same reaction when I read @Don Johnson post yesterday ... it says a lot about our world that some are afraid to say "this is a problem, and something should be done about it." The tribalism is exhausting.

    • Hook 'Em 1
  13. No way this doesn't suck. Agree that Smith and Hart totally miscast for all the reasons above. If you have to do a black remake, Anthony Anderson would be perfect for the Steve Martin character ... agree too that not sure John Candy can be replaced. Maybe do a re-imagine vs. a re-make (agree the Jumanji movies were fantastic).

  14. 6 hours ago, Willfully Horn said:

    Your point being that there are facts in the article that are wrong? Or are you agreeing with the article that finding the right word to describe the effect of Russian interference in the election is difficult? 

    Don’t you think it disingenuous to compare the targeted disinformation campaign, which did occur, with claims of wholesale voter fraud, which did not happen?


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